
Green Dot Training for Employees

The Center for Survivor Empowerment is offering another training opportunity for faculty and staff this semester. Help be part of the change! The training will be held on Wednesday, Feb. 19, from 9-10:30 a.m. in Herbster Chapel.

The Green Dot Strategy is a bystander approach for the prevention of power-based personal violence. Power-based personal violence is a form of violence where an individual asserts power, control, or intimidation over another to cause harm. This includes dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking. These moments of violence are considered red dots.

A Green Dot is any choice behavior word, or attitude that counters or displaces a red dot of violence and reducing the likelihood that someone will be hurt.

This promotes safety for everyone and communicates intolerance for power based personal violence in our Heidelberg community. A Green Dot is anything you do to make our community safer and sends the message that we do not tolerate violence on our campus.

Contact Ronee Rice at with questions.

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