Departments & Offices

Academic Affairs (419) 448-2202
Admission 419-448-2330
Advancement Services 419-448-2027
Advancement, Alumni, and Community Relations
Alumni Engagement 419-448-2231
Archives 419-448-2087
Athletics 419-448-2019
Beeghly Library 419-448-2104
Biology & Environmental Science 419-448-2197
Bookstore 419-448-2012
Business Office 419-448-2000
Center for Survivor Empowerment 419-448-2175
Chemistry, Biochemistry & Physics 419-448-2197
Civic Engagement 419-448-2066
CNIT 419-448-2297
Communication & Media 419-448-2477
Computer Science & Mathematics 419-448-2297
Dining Services 419-448-2449
English 419-448-2184
Exercise Science & Sport Studies 419-448-2019
Financial Aid 419-448-2293
GEM Center
History, Political Science, Philosophy & Religion 419-448-2288
Honors Program 419-448-2184
Human Resources 419-448-2111
HYPE Career Ready & Placement 419-448-2057
International Affairs & Studies 419-448-2301
Krammes Service Center 419-448-2391
Mail Room & Print Shop 419-448-2014
Marketing & Communication Services 419-448-2171
Master of Arts in Counseling 419-448-2288
Master of Athletic Training 419-448-2019
Master of Business Administration (419)-448-2280
National Center for Water Quality Research 419-448-2198
Nursing Program 419-448-2441
Office of Diversity, Inclusion, & Belonging (614) 357-6763
Office of the President (419) 448-2202
Owen Center for Teaching & Learning 419-448-2301
Psychology & Criminology 419-448-2288
Registrar 419-448-2090
Religious Life 419-448-2066
Residence Life & Housing (419) 448-2058
Safety & Security 419-448-2211
Saurwein Health & Wellness Center (419) 448-2019
School of Business 419-448-2280
School of Education 419-448-2125
School of Music & Theatre 419-448-2073
Stoner Health & Counseling Center 419-448-2041
Student Accessibility Services
Student Affairs 419-448-2062
Student Engagement 419-448-2207
Title IX