Marketing & Communication Services
Marketing & Communication Services
Marketing & Communication Services (MCS) provides a framework for delivering consistent, accessible and timely information that enhances and improves the University’s brand image.
Marketing & Communication Services

Our goal is to strengthen relationships with students (prospective and current) and their families, faculty and staff, alumni, community and donors. In short, the goal is to show and tell the Heidelberg story.

Reach Out to Us

What We Do

  • Marketing: Develop strategies to help the University strengthen enrollment, enhance the brand and advance the University’s strategic goals.
  • Publications: Manage print and electronic publications through conception, design, proof, print and distribution phases.
  • Web Services: Develop and maintain web applications to ensure quality experiences for various user groups. Create, edit and organize website content and visual components.
  • Media Relations: Disseminate information in a coordinated and consistent fashion to build positive awareness of Heidelberg at the community, state and national levels. Develop PR plans and press releases.
  • Social Media: Capture university activity and promote engagement with current students, alumni, prospective students, faculty and staff through social media outlets.
  • Photography: Maintain and expand a collection of photographs of people, facilities and events.
  • Institutional Identity: Maintain a set of guidelines (graphic standards, web guidelines, social media policies and editorial style guide) to assist university departments with creating quality and consistent publications and communication materials.
  • Editorial Services: Writing and editing assistance and general editorial guidance for select written and electronic publications; leadership role in communications for the Office of the President.

What We Can Do For You

  • News: Front page story, department news story, news release, Nota Bene story
  • Social Media: Posts to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram
  • Photography: Event coverage, photo shoot
  • Website: Update webpage, create web tiles, calendar events, create forms (survey, registration)
  • Print Project: Invitations, posters, brochures, magazine/books
  • Graphic Design: Logo, TV tile
  • Ads: Newspapers, yearbooks

Contact Information

University Hall
310 E. Market St.
Tiffin, OH 44883


Mon - Fri: 8:00am - 5:00pm

Our Team

Angela Giles
Associate Director of Communication/Senior Writer
University Hall 218
(419) 448-2168
Angie Giles
David Stosio
Digital Designer
University Hall
(419) 448-2319
David Stosio