
Hockey game in Windsor, Canada

If you would like to attend a hockey game in Windsor, Canada, on Saturday, February 29, please let Dr. Marc O’Reilly know by emailing him at The Canadian Junior Hockey League game will be between Guelph and Windsor.

The Windsor team, known as the Spitfires, is quite famous, having won the Canadian championship three times since 2009. Players are 16-20 years old. Many players from that league have gone on to play in the National Hockey League, the best professional league in the world.

The game will start at 7:05 p.m. The Heidelberg group will leave Tiffin at approximately 3:30 p.m. Each person attending will need a valid passport, as the group will be crossing the U.S.-Canada border in Detroit-Windsor. Each ticket will cost approximately $20 U.S. You can pay Dr. O’Reilly with cash or via Venmo or PayPal.

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