Deadline for time capsule contributions is Friday!
Students: The clock is ticking and we need your help! This is the last week that you can add items to Heidelberg’s time capsule to represent yourself, your team or your student organization
We will be burying the time capsule at the site of the new Fieldhouse soon after spring break.
Ben Pugno will be in Hoernemann Refectory from 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM on Wednesday, Feb. 26, and Thursday, Feb. 27, with a collection box for students to drop off their time capsule contributions. The deadline is this Friday, Feb. 28.
The time capsule will be opened 25 years from now – in the year 2050 – when Heidelberg reaches its next milestone – our bicentennial. So, think about what you would want future Student Princes to know about life at the Berg today.
Watch this brief video to learn how you can contribute items for the time capsule.
Contact Ashley Helmstetter at ahelmste@heidelberg.edu for questions or additional info.