
Support available for Army ROTC

Sign up for Army ROTC as an elective. No service obligation. Scholarships and other monetary support are available when you join BGSU Army ROTC, which allows you to focus on your education by relieving some of the financial pressure. You will graduate with a respected and secure career path as an Army officer and with less debt for the school years, your scholarship covers. You are eligible to apply for an ROTC scholarship—which could get you up to 100% tuition coverage, a $420 a month stipend and $600 a semester for books. You may also be qualified to receive free room and board from BGSU!

Standard requirements for ROTC scholarships

To be accepted for any ROTC Scholarship, you must meet these standards:

• Be a U.S. citizen

• Be at least 17, and under 31 in year of commissioning

• Have a high school diploma or equivalent

• Have a college GPA of at least 2.50

• Have taken the SAT or ACT

• Take the current Army physical fitness test

• Meet the physical weight and height requirements

• Agree to accept a commission and serve in the Army, Army Reserve or Army National Guard

Please contact Joe Howell at or 419-372-9968 for more information.

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