
State Internship Program: Office of Sen. J.D. Vance

Summer Internship Opportunity. Applications due May 6th.

An excellent opportunity to serve our government.

Here are the requirements: Please include the following documents as part of the application

§ Resume

§ Two recommendation letters

§ Preference of office to intern for (Columbus, Cleveland, Middletown, or Toledo)

§ Two writing samples based on the questions below.

o Please submit an answer to two of the questions provided below (250-word limit).

1. How do you define conservatism?

2. What is the purpose of government?

3. What is the purpose of a market? How do markets fail?

4. It is often said that politics is downstream of culture. Can politics shape culture?

5. Describe your views on the policy issue of greatest significance to you.

6. Describe a policy issue you believe has not received adequate attention from Congress that you think Senator Vance should address.


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