Or in the case of Dr. Ken Krieger, maybe a "low" note. Among those bidding farewell to Ken at a retirement reception to honor his 37-1/2 years at Heidelberg were the members of his barbershop quartet, "Recycled." In all, about 100 people came to wish Ken well at the reception on Dec. 11. About a dozen former students from around the state and one who traveled from Buffalo, N.Y., joined out-of-town family, friends, community members, representatives from federal, state and local agencies as well as academic institutions around the state. Of course, the 'Berg community was well represented as well. Best wishes, Ken, in this new chapter!
On Tuesday, February 25, from 5-7 pm in the Berg Bistro, try out the new Heidelberg "Sweet Alma Home" MST Sauce and enter for a chance to name the new Heidelberg Beer! Anyone present will be entered to win an HU gift basket.