Speech Team makes a statement at Ohio University tournament

Heidelberg’s Speech Team made a big statement at Ohio University this past weekend. OU hosted both their annual 1804 Tournament which included schools from across the country as well as the Ohio Forensics Associations’ Novice State Championship.

Seniors Kelsey Stanfield and Julia Schaefer spoke their way onto the podium at the 1804 Tournament where Kelsey won 3rd place in Individual Sweepstakes and the duo combined for 3rd place in Team Sweepstakes.

Individual placings for Kelsey included:

  • After Dinner Speaking - 2nd place
  • Broadcasting - 2nd place
  • Rhetorical Criticism - 4th place
  • Programmed Oral Interpretation - 6th place

Individual placings for Julia included:

  • Prose Interpretation - 2nd place
  • After Dinner Speaking - 3rd place
  • Broadcasting - 5th place

Not to be outdone by the varsity team’s efforts, Heidelberg novice team members including senior Ellis Herner, junior Taylor Ratliff and freshman Belle Lawrence won 2nd place in the President’s Division at the State Novice Tournament.

Leading the way for the novice team was Ellis,  who earned the title of State Champion in the “Trithon” Individual Sweepstakes. This award went to the competitor earning the highest number of points across all three genres of competition which included original address, oral interpretation and limited preparation.

Individual placings for Ellis included:

  • Broadcasting - 2nd place
  • Informative Speaking - 2nd place
  • Dramatic Interpretation - 4th place

Individual placing for Taylor included:

  • Persuasive Speaking - State Champion

Individual placing for Belle included:

Dramatic Interpretation - 6th place

Director of Forensics Dan Higgins had this to say about the team's collective efforts. "Our students never stopped competing. Maintaining consistency throughout a day of competition is a tough task and I could not be more proud of ALL of their efforts."

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