Celebrating employees' milestone years of service

The Heidelberg community came together on Thursday to recognize and honor the "fabulous contributions by fabulous people" -- our colleagues who celebrated milestone anniversaries of employment in 2023.

In all, the honorees represent 365 years of service, according to President Rob Huntington, who presented a certificate and a small token of appreciation to each of the 33 employees.

The highlight of the luncheon was the presentation of the annual Jeannine Curns Distinguished Service Awards, presented by Leslie Erwin. The Distinguished Service Award for Administrative Staff recognizes an individual for outstanding service demonstrated by professional competence and effectiveness, efforts to maintain/improve professional skills, exceptional demonstrated initiative and genuine concern for the welfare of the University community. The Distinguished Service Award for a support staff recognizes an individual for competency and effectiveness, exceptional initiative, attitude while executing duties, demonstrated dedication to the office and Heidelberg University and notable contributions to improved customer service delivery.

Congratulations to this year’s recipients: Mary Milazzo, Registrar (Administrative Staff) and Donna Heffner, Business Office Assistant (Support Staff).

Congratulations also go to the following employees who celebrated milestone anniversaries in 2023:

•    40 years – Barb Gabel (Business Office)
•    30 years – Sean Joyce (Computer Science), George Welter (Krammes Service Center)
•    25 years – Amy Berger (Environmental Science), Mary Milazzo (Registrar)
•    15 years – Tom Fisher (Krammes), Melissa Nye-Prenzlin (Advancement), Greg Ramsdell (Music & Theatre)
•    10 years – Sherri Bowerman (School of Education), Andrew Bucheit (Athletics), Hayley Fuhrer (Beeghly Library), Morgan Harrigan (Owen Center), Emily Isaacson (English, Honors), Laura Johnson (NCWQR), Krista Kantner (Behavioral Sciences, Graduate Counseling), Justin Pruneski (Biology), Jena Suffel (Athletic Training, Health Sciences)
•    5 years – Marianne Briggs (Athletics), Nancy El Gendy (English), Karen Estridge (Nursing), Lexi Fodor (Marketing & Communication), Rebecca Frank (Faculty Development & Instructional Technology), Corey Harvey (Athletics), Dawn Henry (Education), Salil Khetani (Business-Marketing), DoHee Kim-Appel (Graduate Counseling), Morgan Kocher (Exercise Science), Nathan Manning (NCWQR), Meagan McBride (Graduate Counseling), Aaron Sell (Psychology & Criminology), Kristen Snyder (HYPE), Craig Turek (Krammes) and Michael Walker (Krammes)

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