Annual celebrity basketball game a joy for all players, full house

For years, ‘Berg Athletics has hosted the annual Seneca County Opportunity Center Celebrity Basketball Game in Seiberling Gymnasium. The game features community “celebrities” – including ‘Berg student-athletes -- taking the court alongside Seneca Arrows athletes from the school. But for the past three years, COVID-19 halted the friendly competition.

Thursday night, there was nothing but pure joy and enthusiasm when all of the athletes were reunited on the court. Appropriately, the game ended in a 45-45 tie. It was the local highlight of Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month, and Heidelberg was pleased to host the standing-room-only crowd.

The game had all of the elements of a typical basketball contest: a Spirit Squad, a pep band, cheerleaders, the National Anthem, entertainment, a local radio broadcast, PA announcers, refs, even thunderous dunks and a 50/50 raffle.

Among the 33 local “celebrities” who suited up to join 13 Arrows athletes were ‘Berg student-athletes Tyler Turek, Teddy Tate, Eric Panning, Maceo Matthews, Gage Lackey and Aaron Frazier. Thirteen Seneca Arrows athletes participate

‘Berg football coaches Scott Donaldson and Jason Lewis received special appreciation for coordinating the event. Dr. Meagan McBride was a member of the Celebrity Spirit Squad. Even a couple of ‘Berg alumni took the court: Adam Smith, co-owner of Camden Falls & Carmie’s, Bryce Riggs, director of the Seneca Regional Chamber of Commerce, Jimmy Flint, representing the Seneca County Commissioners Office; and Kathy Oliver, representing the Seneca County Department of Jobs and Family Services.

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