Alumni Weekend 2024: There was heat, but 'Peace, Love and Heidelberg' prevailed

Peace, Love and Heidelberg – Alumni Weekend 2024 – was a scorcher, but not nearly as warm as the hearts of the more than 400 alumni who returned to campus last weekend to reconnect, celebrate, laugh and make new ‘Berg memories.

The weekend was packed from start to finish. Here’s a recap of some of the highlights.

About 165 alumni donors and friends gathered in Wickham Great Hall on Thursday night for the inaugural Givers Gala. The high-energy event honored the alumni and friends whose major donations have sustained Heidelberg over the years and into the future.

Friday kicked off with the annual Medallion Club luncheon, which honors and recognizes alumni who are celebrating (or have celebrated) their 50th class reunion. The traditional Classes With Quizzes this year took alumni back to the classroom for some enlightening and entertaining classes. This year’s presenters were Larry Kisabeth ’74, Dr. Mark Peeples ’74 and Beth Long-Higgins ’84.

Partners in the construction of the new Student Athletic, Academic, and Recreation Center gathered at the site of Heidelberg’s newest facility to officially break ground for the project. The campus community, including Siggy, was well-represented at the event that also drew a large contingent of principal donors and alumni, local, state and national representatives, construction and financial partners and neighbors.

The sizzling heat forced the Friday night Happy Hour and Dinner on the Lawn indoors, but spirits were just as high as alumni reconnected with classmates and made new friends.

Saturday began with a newer tradition, Coffee and Conversation with President Rob Huntington and members of Heidelberg’s Strategic Leadership Team. There was a Reunion Sing-Along for those who performed in one of Heidelberg’s choral ensembles or who just enjoy singing. The group brushed up on Sweet Alma Home and The Lord Bless You and Keep You, which they performed during the Alumni Luncheon. A peaceful and thoughtful Remembrance Tree Ceremony honored those alumni and friends who have died in the past year, and following the Alumni Luncheon, those who remembered Tara Lucas ’97 gathered to dedicate a bench on campus in her memory.

The traditional Parade of Classes was as lively as ever as alumni marched with their class banner on Greenfield Street to Seiberling Gymnasium for the Alumni Luncheon. Everyone enjoyed a delicious meal followed by remarks from President Hungtington about the challenges facing higher education and Heidelberg. He also gave updates on the Fieldhouse project, Heidelberg’s endowment, enrollment, successful and new initiatives to recruit and retain students, alumni engagement, and a sincere message of gratitude to alumni who help sustain HU.

Highlighting the luncheon was the presentation of this year's Alumni Awards. This year’s winners were Larry Dunham ’80, the Alumni of Distinction Award; Bill Kinley ’64, the Outstanding Alumni Award; and the Kubuske Family, the Legacy Family Award.

Larry Kisabeth and Karen Bowdler Alt, representing the golden anniversary class of 1974, presented Rob with a check for $7.458,202 – the collective total in gifts and pledges to Heidelberg from the landmark reunion classes of 1964, 1974, 1979, 1984, 1999 and 2014.

“That should help,” Larry told Rob, who responded, “Yes, it does!”

“You are engaged in so many ways and it makes a difference,” the president said. “How grateful we all are. Thank you very, very much.”

Other highlights included a Sigma Tau Nu Alumni Association Meeting, a Philalethean Society Alumni Tea, Greek Halls visits, campus tours, the 10th anniversary celebration of the Longaker Animal Lab, a Music & Theatre reception hosted by BergBravo!, a Greek Alumni reception, the traditional class dinners and a Sunday morning worship service.

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