A road to better vision

Dr. Cindy Lepeley on mission trip in the Dominican Republic.

Dr. Cindy Lepeley (Spanish) was selected by the EnvisionFulbright program to participate in a medical service trip to Monte Cristi, Dominican Republic from Aug. 6-14. In a partnership between the Indianapolis-based Timmy Global Health, Restoring Vision (CA), and the Fulbright Association, one Fulbright alum is chosen to accompany each medical service trip in order to distribute reading glasses and sunglasses to patients who need them. While in Monte Cristi, the medical team set up a mobile clinic each day in a different batey (small rural community of banana plantation workers) and provided medical care to 439 patients. Cindy took 300 pairs of reading glasses and 200 pairs of sunglasses with her for distribution at the mobile clinics.

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