Celebrate Constitution Day, your rights and civil discourse

Tuesday, Sept. 17, is Constitution Day across the U.S. – a day to celebrate the document that guarantees American rights and serves as the basis for all U.S. laws. Heidelberg will observe Constitution Day and the election season with several events and initiatives, plus an award received for student voter registration efforts back in 2022.

Court on Campus

As is tradition on campus, Seneca County Common Pleas Court Judge Steve Shuff, a ’75 ‘Berg alumnus, will bring his court sessions to campus for a day so students can see the Constitution in action.

Court on Campus will be in session in the morning from 10-noon and in the afternoon from 1-3 in Herbster Chapel. Between hearings, Judge Shuff will engage with students to answer questions about the court cases, the judicial process, his law career and the Constitution.

Everyone is welcome. Come and go as your schedule permits.

Voter Registration

New Student Affairs Coordinator Dr. Ben Pugno has picked up the mantle in Civic Engagement by organizing several opportunities for students to register to vote in time for the Nov. 5 general election.

In conjunction with Constitution Day, students can get info on registering to vote and applying for an absentee ballot outside of Herbster Chapel on Tuesday from 11:00 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Those who participate will receive mini copies of the Constitution and can enter into a raffle.

With the Oct. 7 deadline to register to vote approaching, there will be a second opportunity to get the same information. Civic Engagement will be in The HeidelBean! from 11 am.-1 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 2

Additionally, for those who are civically minded and would like to volunteer during Election Day, applications to serve as a poll worker will be available at the voter registration tables.

“A lot of students are arriving on campus already registered to vote, which is great,” said Ben. “So this will also be a celebration of the Constitution and our rights.”

Ben is encouraging students to be engaged, let their voices be heard and experience the election process.

“There’s been so much angry political discourse and we want people to feel comfortable in having their voices heard,” Ben said. “It’s important to model political discourse in a civil way, and an educational environment is a perfect place to learn about the actual process and its importance.”

ALL IN Award for voter registration

Heidelberg has earned recognition from the ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge for nonpartisan voter participation efforts in conjunction with the 2022 Midterm Election.

For its student voter registration and participation, Heidelberg received the 2022 OAC Votest Highest Registration Rate. HU also received a bronze seal based on election participation results.

The awards reflect Heidelberg’s commitment “to ensuring that nonpartisan democratic engagement is a defining feature of campus life,” according to ALL IN.

Finally, Election Night watch party

As the ultimate demonstration of civil discourse, Civic Engagement, College Democrats and College Republicans/Libertarians will co-sponsor an Election Night Watch Party on Tuesday, Nov. 5, in the University Commons. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Analysis and commentary will be provided by Heidelberg faculty. Refreshments will be available.

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