HYPED about Kristen Chenoweth

Last Saturday, a group of 40 students and 12 faculty and staff mentors boarded a bus and headed to Toledo for a Kristen Chenoweth concert as a followup to a HYPE workshop session following the first HYPE Day earlier this month.
Dr. Carol Dusdieker, who organized the concert trip, asked the students to reflect on the experience afterward.
All in all, it was tremendously positive. Here are a few excerpts from some of the students who attended the concert:
“While I'll was sitting there awe-stricken, it never occurred to me what I would take home from it. But as I think about it now I have figured it out. No matter how tall you are, no matter what you sound like and no matter if you're famous or not and no matter if you're rich or poor, you can always reach your goal and make a difference. The only thing that matters is how determined you are to make what you want to happen come true. No one remembers Kristen Chenoweth’s 150 failures but they do remember her successes. So what I got from it is to try and try until I succeed. “
“This concert made me feel like I can conquer anything that I put my mind to and nothing can stop me from my dreams.”
“This concert for me showcased the true meaning of God-given talent.”
“To me, this concert didn't mean much at first, but after Kristen started talking, I was hooked. She reminds me so much of myself and I know that we would probably get along well. Her story, her personality, and her voice are so amazing and I was honored to attend such an experience.”
“I think that this concert helped expand my horizons in experiencing music/performances outside of my comfort zone.”
“This concert to me was something amazing. Of all the concerts I have been too I have never felt so emotionally attached to the artist. … She defied the odds and became someone who is absolutely stunning. Kristen Chenoweth is small but so powerful.”
“This concert was beautiful. It meant everything to me to be here and hear the magic that was coming from her voice. She made me feel elated and joyful and heartbroken, and I laughed the whole way through. Thank you so much for this opportunity!
“The items Kristen discussed between songs, the songs themselves, spoke to my heart. I was inspired by the need to continue to fight through one's personal issues no matter what.”
“Getting to see her was probably the best thing that has happened to me in a long time. My goal is to become a Clinical Nurse Specialist and to work with babies and children who need extra special medical attention. I hope to one day do something bigger than that and possibly invent a new piece of equipment that can do something to save thousands of children that could not have been saved today. Kristen Chenoweth makes me want to do that so much more! She is so inspirational with everything she does, her voice, her words and her attitude towards life is something I adore.“
“This concert experience is something I will never forget."
"I am deeply grateful for this evening. This experience was irreplaceable, and the fact that Heidelberg provided it to me through HYPE is something I will always carry with my when I am a proud alumni in the future.”
“The concert for me was an unexpected wonderful night! I did not know of Kristen before the HYPE session on Thursday and after the way you talked about her, I was so excited for tonight! Thanks for all your effort!”
“This HYPE experience will be one of my favorite memories I'll have of my time at Heidelberg!”