Families & Fellows: Making opportunities possible

The dynamic father-daughter duo of Dave and Allison Krebs did a great job expressing the value of their Heidelberg experiences, although in different generations, at the annual Families & Fellows dinner on Saturday. 

“I found Heidelberg through the love of my parents,” said Allison, who told the crowd of about 300 ‘Berg students and families and about 100 members of the Fellows Organization that her parents, Dave and Kim, met at Heidelberg.

When she chose Heidelberg, Allison said she “never knew the incredible opportunities that would be available to me.” Those opportunities have included working in the Cadaver Lab, researching her senior Honors project at the Longaker Animal Lab, traveling to San Francisco for the Model United Nations of the Far West Conference and performing and international travel with the Concert Choir for four years.

“All of these unbelievable experiences have only set me up for incredible success in life,” said Allison, who hopes to go to medical school. 

For his part, Dave, an ’87 'Berg grad, recalls that his “stoic dad face” went right out the window when Allison announced that she had decided to come to Heidelberg. “I thought, ‘Yes! This is awesome,’” said Dave, recently retired from a decorated military career. Although the family was stationed in Japan at the time, “Shipping Allison off to place that we knew, to a place that we know changes lives, we just knew she was going to be in good hands.”

“Heidelberg is an excellent place to entrust your children,” Dave told the parents gathered in Seiberling Gymnasium. To the Fellows, whose generous giving to the university was recognized during the dinner, he had this message: “This place has a positive impact on kids’ lives, and you should all be proud of that!”

“Some of the great things taking place on campus wouldn’t happen without the Fellows,” he said. “They don’t just happen by accident.”

The crowd also got fired up for the first night football game of the season with an appearance by Siggy and the Heidelberg Marching Band, which was hosting about 80 high school musicians performing with them during their halftime show.

In addition to the dinner, families and Fellows enjoyed a variety of events throughout the weekend, including a coffee house and bonfire, Classes Without Quizzes with ‘Berg faculty, a performance of “Cabaret” by the Theatre Department, a women’s soccer game (tie) and a thrilling football victory over Capital. The weekend concluded with Matters of Faith and Bagels.

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