Internship Chronicles, Chapter 36: Kiara Grow

One summer day, a Student Prince decided to go on a little adventure. “It won’t be long before I have a career,” the Prince said, “so I’d better start preparing now.” So with some ’Berg education under their hat, and some connections in their back pocket, the Student Prince began forging their way through an internship.

We continue our web series, Internship Chronicles.

Chapter 36: A Well-Oiled Machine is Made of Many Smaller Parts

Kiara Grow is a biochemistry major with a concentration in pre-medicine from North Canton, Ohio. She is also minoring in German, and has been involved with the Tiffin community through the mentorship program “Tomorrow’s Leaders HEI” that she and some friends started last year. After Heidelberg, Kiara plans to attend medical school and become a physician. This summer, she got one step closer to that goal through her internship with the Summer Pediatric Research Scholars Program at Akron Children’s Hospital.

How did you find your internship, or how did the internship find you?

One of my family members, who works at Akron Children's, suggested that I apply for the Summer Pediatric Research Scholars program when I mentioned to her that I was looking for a summer research opportunity. I applied, got an interview, and was accepted into the SPRS program!

What did you expect from your internship initially?

Initially, I expected the research program to be strictly dedicated to clinical research and quality improvement projects. Since little information is provided about the program online, I had no idea how expansive and well-thought out the SPRS program really is. 

What really happens in your day-to-day work?

I worked on my research project, "Use of Magnesium in Critical Status Asthmaticus", with my mentor and research team. The directors of the program also planned weekly didactics, where we learned more about aspects of research, the medical field, and advice for the future. SPRS students also had the opportunity to shadow various providers in the hospital during the program, as well as attain BLS certification.  

What connections have you made?

I had the opportunity to shadow in about 20 different departments, where I met a variety of wonderful and skilled providers who work at Akron Children's Hospital. Throughout the summer, I also met pediatric residents and medical students who offered me great advice in areas of both the medical field and life beyond undergraduate school. And, of course, I spent many researching hours with my 11 brilliant SPRS colleagues.

What is the most valuable thing you’ll bring back to the classroom after this experience?

Team communication is valuable, but it is so much more valuable than I could ever have imagined. Effective communication with team members is crucial, regardless of whether or not you are conducting research or providing patient care. The best work is always done when a team works together to achieve a goal!

If your internship was a book or a chapter in a book, what should it be titled?

“A Well-Oiled Machine is Made of Many Smaller Parts”

For more information about the The Summer Pediatric Research Scholars Program at Akron Children’s Hospital, check out their website.

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