These students love chemistry, and their secret message confirms it

These five biochemistry majors – three current seniors and two ’23 grads – really do love chemistry. A project they were commissioned to do back in the 2021-22 school year has come to fruition and really demonstrates just how much they love it.

Courtney Temple and Lauren Mussig, both ’23, and current seniors Kirsten Kracht, Crimson Stuckert and Alyssa Derr created a chemical demo video targeted toward kids ages 8-12, as requested by the American Chemical Society. 

In the video, they explain how you can use chemistry -- invisible ink, to be specific -- to write secret messages or draw hidden pictures.

But just as with a chemistry experiment, there was a lot of prep they had to do before they got to work making the video. Their professor and advisor, Dr. Nate Beres, explained that the students met with experts in video production, scientific communication, video editing and lab safety before they got to work designing their demo on disappearing ink. 

The video walks facilitators through the various concepts to explore, safety and other considerations, materials and prep, and instructions and talking points.

Nate said the ACS sent professional video recording equipment so the ‘Berg team could write a script and record the video on campus. After the two-year process, ACS has published the video on its website. Check out the video and try your hand at writing a secret message!

Chem Club is outstanding – again!

Recently, Nate learned that Heidelberg’s Chem Club is the recipient of another Outstanding Award from the ACS. This is the highest award a student chapter can win. Students are evaluated based on their service, professional development, chapter development and finances.

Jeanna Fullom, Alyssa Derr, Crimson Stuckert, Maddie Newby, Courtney Temple, Avery Hunt, Mac Metz and Kirsten Kracht were the officers for the club during the 2022-23 year.

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