Happy Reformation Day!

Dr. Courtney DeMayo's students celebrated the 500th anniversary of the Reformation by dressing in period costumes Tuesday. 

No, they are not celebrating Halloween. Instead, students in Dr. Courtney DeMayo’s Renaissance and Reformation history class dressed up today to mark the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. One student, Alec Bage, even shaved his head in the likeness of Martin Luther. Classmate Alyssa Eckley wrote Luther’s 95 Theses on her T-shirt – well, the majority of them before her Sharpie ran out of ink. Others dressed up as John Knox, an English maiden, a medieval monk, Rafael the artist, among others.

Alec Bage representing Martin Luther and Alyssa Eckley with Luther's 95 Theses. 

The students judged the costumes and selected Jessie Hoehn and Kirsten Mayfield’s representation of the witch and werewolf trials of Europe as the most creative and the pair of Alec and Alyssa as most historically accurate.

Dr. DeMayo offered extra credit points to those who dressed up. Happy Reformation Day!

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