Greek comedy, tragedy hit the stage this weekend

Heidelberg Theatre will close out its fall schedule with two Greek plays – appropriately, one a comedy and one a tragedy – this weekend. Students will perform “Lysistrata” and “Oedipus” at 7:30 p.m. Thursday-Saturday and 2 p.m. Sunday in Gundlach Theatre. Both plays will be performed all four nights.

“Lysistrata” is an ancient Greek comedy by Aristophanes. It is about a woman’s mission to end the Peloponnesian War by denying all the men sex, which was the only thing the men truly wanted. “Oedipus” is an ancient Greek tragedy by Sophocles. It is about the story of King Oedipus of Thebes as he discovers that he killed his own father and ended up marrying his own mother. Both plays are being directed by Stephen Svoboda.

"Lysistrata" cast

Lysistrata will be played by Ciara Goldstein. The remainder of the cast is as follows: Lo Jackson as Calonice; Taylor Richardson as Nyrrhine; Kaylea Bowers as Lampito; Nick Talion as Cinesias; Nathan Colin as the Magistrate; Haley Martin as Dipsas; Sarah Zapola as Ismenia; Ashley Dawson as an Athenian Chorus Leader; Gloria Gutchall as an Athenian Chorus Leader; Sophia Weaver as Belphragia; Hannah Schoen as the Fisherwoman; Shane Souders as Spartan Envoy; Noah Rawson as the Spartan Delegate; Austin Buckhalter, Isaac Hulbert and James Ogle as Geezers; Michelle Chen, Solana Patrone and Nicole Brickner as Old Women; Martina Dimiduk, Elayna Brock and Hailey Long as Female Chorus members; and Candra Gorek, Nick Bishop and Ben Polizi as the Spartan Chorus.

"Oedipus" cast

The lead role as Oedipus will be played by Adam Robinson. The rest of the cast includes: Paige Hood as Jocasta; Austin Buckhalter as Creon; Amy Berger as Tiresias; Noah Rawson as the Messenger; and Shane Souders as the Shepherd. The Chorus includes James Ogle, Candra Gorek, Nick Bishop, Ben Polizi, Nick Talion, Elizabeth Bowman, Hailey Long, Elayna Brock, Solana Petrone, Isaac Hulbert, Michelle Chen, Caira Goldstein, Lo Jackson, Taylor Richardson, Haley Martin, Hannah Schoen, Nicole Brickner, Martina Dimiduk, Brianna Clark and Sarah Zapola.

Student tickets are $5. Faculty/staff tickets are $10. General admission tickets are $15. All tickets can be reserved at or by calling the theatre box office at (419) 448-2305.

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