FACULTY PURSUITS: Week of Nov. 28, 2022


Dr. Doug Kane (Biology, Ecology) recently had two papers published in the December 2022 Journal of Great Lakes Research, a peer-reviewed publication of the International Association for Great Lakes Research. When it Snows it Pours: Increased Chloride Concentrations in the Cuyahoga River during the Last Half Century is the result of research conducted with Drs. Nate Manning and Laura Johnson of Heidelberg's National Center for Water Quality Research. Potamoplankton of the Maumee River during 2018 and 2019: The Relationship between Cyanobacterial Toxins and Environmental Factors details research conducted with researchers from The Ohio State University's F.T. Stone Laboratory. Read the article abstracts here.

Dr. Lisa Kahle-Piasecki (Business) was re-elected to the Board of Directors of the Greater Toledo Area Chapter of the Association for Talent Development (ATD). The chapter is one of 150 international chapters and represents the world's largest professional association for human resource development professionals who design and implement training, workplace learning, change management, and human performance technologies. A former President of the Chapter, this will be her 10th year serving on the Board. She holds industry certification as an Associate Professional in Talent Development (APTD).

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