A Prince's Purpose: Ex-Phi Head Start & Chem Club Toy Drive

Heidelberg’s Student Princes are excited to lend a helping hand for the holidays, sharing their love and appreciation to the Tiffin community, and pursuing their purpose with distinction. 

Ex-Phi Head Start Christmas

The Ex-Phi Head Start Christmas has come again! On Sunday, December 4th, the Excelsior Men’s Society and Philalethean Society of Heidelberg hosted families in need, providing toys, games and some food in a tradition that began in the 1960s. 

After some fundraising with their alumni, the EXs and Phis were excited and ready to continue on this tradition. Last Thursday, the groups wrapped these presents and toys for community kids, helping out Santa Claus (who is, coincidentally, a long-time friend of Heidelberg security officer and Excelsior alum Brad Wright.) On Sunday, families and kids who reserved their spot through the fliers from their teachers visited Wickham Great Hall to enjoy an afternoon of fun on Heidelberg’s campus. Kiddos enjoyed games, crafts and pizza for the whole family. 

“This tradition is such a great connection between not only the Phis and the EXs but also a connection from Heidelberg students to the Tiffin community. Tiffin creates so many unique opportunities for Heidelberg students, it feels really special to be able to give back to them,” commented Jocelyn Everett, a member of the Philalethean Society. “One thing that is so special is that we buy gifts specifically for each child days before the event. So when we meet them, we know what they're going to get and we can't wait to see them open it. Seeing the look on every child's face when they receive their gifts is priceless!” 

“To be able to carry on a tradition that has been going on for decades is humbling and remarkable. Being able to host families and provide them with a few hours of entertainment and fun is an experience that I cherish,” agreed Excelsior member Brennan Scheck. “At the end of the day it is events like these where we can provide for our community members and see the smiling faces of children and families that make everything we do worthwhile!"

Exclesior member Braxton Fox added, “We love just being able to give the children something to look forward to during Christmas. I know that some of these kids aren’t able to have a big Christmas, so being able to provide that to them is an awesome experience. When they walk through the doors and see Santa and the gifts, their eyes just light up and that’s why we do it!”

With much love and appreciation for the Tiffin community, two of the oldest Greek groups on Heidelberg’s campus are excited to make a difference once again.

Chem Club’s Toys for Tots Drive

The Chemistry Club’s ongoing Toys for Tots Drive will soon be coming to a close. Since early November, the Chem Club has been collecting donations of toys from members of the Heidelberg community. Dolls, play-doh and trucks alike have been deposited into the wrapped boxes, and are collected by the Chemistry Club to donate to the Toys for Tots organization for distribution through the Salvation Army.

“Christmas is my personal favorite time of year,” shared Heidelberg senior Courtney Temple, “so I am blessed to be a part of something like this not only to give several children a magical Christmas, but to also be helping the local community.” Courtney serves as the president of the ACS Chemistry Club, and works as the Animal Lab coordinator and teaching assistant on campus. Heidelberg’s Chemistry Club has been recognized by the American Chemical Society at their yearly conference for their service efforts, and will be accepting that award again this March.

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