Where HU Takes U: Maddy Crawford

Once a part of the Heidelberg family, always a part of the Heidelberg family – but after graduation, our Student Princes are now the hard-working and ever-learning leaders of a new community. In our new web series, we’re checking in with our recent grads about their Heidelberg journeys, and asking them Where HU Takes U.

Maddy Crawford

Maddy Crawford grew up in Willard, Ohio. She graduated from Heidelberg in 2020, with a degree in athletic training and a minor in biology. After finishing her degree at Heidelberg, she continued her education at the Ohio State University.

What is your current position and when did you begin?

Doctor of Physical Therapy, began practicing in May

What has been surprising about your new position or the process of earning it thus far?

The most surprising part about my career so far as a physical therapist is how much I learn every day. As a new clinician, each patient encounter has a lesson to teach me that will help to shape my future practice. 

What knowledge or skills do you rely on most in your day to day life?

My ability to communicate and build relationships with all of my patients. Creating an environment in which my patients feel empowered and supported is my main priority, and the ability to build trust is paramount. 

What experiences or individuals were particularly impactful during your time at Heidelberg and in what ways?

My membership in different groups across campus impacted me the most during my time at Heidelberg. As a student Athletic Trainer, I had the chance to learn patient care skills in a hands-on environment. Being on the basketball team helped me to shape my teamwork, leadership, and time management skills. Being a member of Zeta Theta Psi helped me to learn more about service and advocacy. Individuals who were very impactful for me were President Huntington, Morgan Harrigan, and Ryan Musgrave, all of who supported me along my journey and encouraged me to achieve my goals.

What advice do you have for current undergrads trying to find their next step?

Get as involved as you can! Join groups that allow you to meet new people and try new things. Broaden your worldview and take advantage of unique experiences that the Berg has to offer!

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