Faculty Pursuits: Week of Dec. 2, 2024

Dr. Justin Pruneski (Biology) attended the American Society for Microbiology Conference for Undergraduate Educators (ASMCUE) in Pittsburgh from November 15-17, where he gave two poster presentations on his research. The first was titled, Using ASM’s Meet the Microbiologist Podcast to Engage Students in Current Research, Professional Development, and DEI. The second was a collaboration with other microbiology educators that was recently published in the Journal of Microbiology and Biology Education (JMBE) titled Using the MEGA-plate Experiment to Engage Students in Microbiological Concepts and Evolutionary Thinking Around Antibiotic Resistance.

Justin's co-authors were Stephanie Carr (Hartwick College, Oneonta, N.Y.), Stephanie Matthews (North Carolina State University, Raleigh, N.C.), and Nikolas Stasuli (University of New Haven, West Haven, Conn.) and their article can be accessed using this link. Their work was done as fellows for an NSF-funded grant called HITS (High-Throughput Discovery Science & Inquiry-based Case Studies for Today’s Students) and was also supported by an Aigler faculty research grant, and Dicke Professional Development during Justin’s sabbatical. The conference trip was funded by Dicke Professional Development and Wolf Endowed Chair funds.

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