A pretty cool Heidelberg connection

Jackson Elementary Principal Yolanda Heidelberg with 'Berg pennant.

Although about 700 miles separate Tiffin and Memphis, Tennessee, the two have something special in common: Heidelberg University!

Recently, we read a wonderful article about the inspirational leadership of Principal Yolanda Heidelberg at Jackson Elementary School in Memphis, and the many ways she’s positively impacting the lives of her students. More than 99 percent of Jackson Elementary students come from poor families, yet its most recent test scores outpaced the schools in its county in most every subject. For their high achievements, the school recently received a Blue Ribbon Award from the U.S. Department of Education.

According to an article in the local newspaper, Jackson Elementary is affectionately known as “Heidelberg University” in honor of its inspirational leader.

We thought the connection was kind of awesome, so Director of Admission Mike Brown recently reached out to “Heidelberg University” to offer congratulations from Tiffin’s Heidelberg University.

Mike mailed a package of Heidelberg gifts along with a letter, and today, he notes that the ‘Berg pennant he sent is being displayed on Jackson Elementary’s College Wall of Fame, which inspires the students to begin thinking about college.

What a cool connection! Keep up the great work, "Heidelberg University."



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