Students "Walk a Mile in Her Shoes" to raise awareness

Over 100 students, faculty, and staff showed up at Hoernemann Stadium Tuesday night to "Walk a Mile in Her Shoes" for Rape and Sexual Assault Awareness Week. The walk is a playful opportunity for men to raise awareness about the serious causes, effects and remediations to sexualized violence. Tuesday's walk was a small part of the larger-scale It's On Us campaign, organized by John Sharp, assistant director of counseling and disability services, and senior Colin Higgins. ​

The event featured tables from the new Heidelberg student group S.L.A.M.H. (Students Leading Awareness for Mental Health) and the Seneca County Victims Assistance Program.

While many organizations have supported the It's On Us campaign throughout the week, the walk included students and coaches from Men's Basketball, Men's and Women's Golf, Football, Track and Field, Volleyball, Wrestling, Lacrosse, and Women's Soccer. Greek Life was well represented with members from Kappa Psi Omega, Nu Sigma Alpha, Excelsior, Delta Sigma Chi, Sigma Tau Nu, Rho Eta Delta, Zeta Theta Psi, and the Euglossian Society all taking part.

See the full photo gallery.

Find the remaining events for It's On Us week 3.

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