
Faculty Research Symposium call for abstracts

Faculty members: If you would like to present at the 2018 Faculty Research Symposium, which will be held on Thursday, Feb. 8, from 3:30-6 p.m., please submit a title and a one-paragraph abstract to Dr. Maef Woods at, by Thursday, Jan. 4.

Presentations times are 3-3:50 p.m., 4-4:20 p.m., 4:40-5 p.m., 5:10-5:30 p.m. and 5:40-6 p.m., with a coffee break 4:20-4:40 p.m.

When submitting your abstract, please indicate if you have a class conflict with any of the time slots, other time constraint (such as picking children up from daycare), or a particular time preference.

Please note that you may present ongoing research irrespective of where you find yourself in the process (i.e., thinking about a project, researching, writing, or revising and rethinking). As part of your presentation, you may perform -- which colleagues from the School of Music & Theatre, for example, have done in previous symposia.

The symposium serves two purposes: 1) to afford students and faculty an opportunity to hear about faculty research activities; and 2) model research presentations for students, several of whom will be presenting their own work at the Student Research Conference in April. Symposium presentations are to be 20 minutes, including time for a question-and-answer component.

Please email Maef if you have any questions.

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