
It's On Us poster design contest

In order to promote the annual sexual assault awareness/prevention week, this year titled “Sex Week,” Heidelberg is calling on individual students and groups of students to create posters to market the week’s events. All posters will be judged by the sexual assault/prevention committee with the winner receiving $100 gift card with additional $50 gift cards for two runners-up. The rules of the poster contest are as follows:

  • The design must fit a 11X17 size poster
  • The design must be appropriate for public display
  • The design must use the It’s On Us Logo - can be provided by the committee
  • Must include the title of the week and all events of the week including: 
    • Title - Sex Week
    • Monday - “Good Sex” forum
    • Tuesday - Keynote Speaker
    • Wednesday - Bystander Training
    • Thursday - Walk a Mile in Her Shoes, 7pm
    • And More!

The winner’s poster will be mass-produced and be distributed around campus. All other entries will also be hung around campus. Designs must be submitted on or before March 16, 2018 at noon and are subject to approval by the Sexual Assault Awareness/Prevention committee. Please submit all entries and questions to John Sharp, Associate Director of Counseling and Disability, Campus Center 134 or Please direct all questions via email to John Sharp, Associate Director of  Counseling and Disability at

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