R&D scientist receives Alumni of Distinction Award

Dr. Jeff Bricker, ’79, says he owes a great deal of his career achievements as a research scientist to the excellent foundation he received at Heidelberg from iconic professors such as Mel Casler, Dr. Ray Wise, Dr. Richard Cordell, the late Dr. Martin Reno and the late Dr. John Groce.

“We had great faculty and staff who really cared about students,” said Jeff, who returned to campus from his home in Illinois on Saturday to receive Heidelberg’s Alumni of Distinction Award (formerly the Career Excellence Award). The award recognizes alumni who have demonstrated excellence in their profession with significant contributions to their field of employment.

With a total of 61 patents to his credit, Jeff is the senior director of research at Honeywell UOP, beginning his employment there following completion of his Ph.D. in chemistry from The Ohio State University in 1983. He’s been with Honeywell UOP for nearly 40 years, beginning as a catalyst scientist and working his way up in R&D to have a key role in the development of numerous modern processes, solutions, innovations, new technologies and products in the oil and gas industry.

In his current role, Jeff is accountable for UOP’s longer-range research programs and capabilities development. His specialty is catalysis – the process by which certain manufactured substances are engineered to perform highly specialized and selective chemical reactions without being consumed, so they can be repeated.

Accepting the award, Jeff said he was equally influenced by the individual attention and teaching expertise of his faculty mentors and his out-of-class experiences such as athletics, community outreach and an opportunity as a senior to complete an internship at the National Institutes of Health in cancer research.

Those opportunities, he said. “really prepare you for life.”

“Heidelberg was the perfect choice for me and many others. Thank you. I am very humbled to receive this award.”

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