'Berg students travel to Vegas, present on COVID, quarantines, incarceration

Spring break had an academic tone for two students and their professor. Seniors Brooke Franz and Kendall Wright, along with Dr. Sarah Lazzari, assistant professor of criminology and sociology, presented their research at the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences in Las Vegas on March 16.

Brooke and Kendall, along with recent grads Alexa Hawk and Shawn McWeeney, who were unable to attend the conference because they are away at grad school, collaborated on their research for about a year. Their presentation is titled COVID-19, Quarantines, and Incarceration: Exploring the Resiliency of Individuals and Families Who Have Experienced Incarceration.

Sarah was impressed with the students’ showing at the conference, which is typically comprised of professors, researchers and a handful of graduate students. More typically, undergrads might do a poster presentation, but not a research presentation. Brooke and Kendall definitely held their own and represented Heidelberg very well.

Last spring, the group presented early findings at the Faculty Research Symposium. But they had not yet looked at qualitative data. They are excited to share those final findings with the campus community at the upcoming 2022 Faculty Research Symposium on March 31. 

Sarah noted the group is especially grateful for the financial support they received to attend the conference from political science travel funds.

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