
Annual Campus Memorial Service is Thursday

The annual Heidelberg University Campus Memorial Service will take place in Herbster Chapel of Pfleiderer Humanities Center on Thursday, November 3, at 11:00 am. The Heidelberg Community is invited to the service and a light luncheon following the service. We will remember the following faculty, staff, trustees, presidents and current students who have died in the past year.

  • Jan Ferner, University Mailroom Employee, 10/30/2021
  • Dave Bush, Faculty, Professor of Anthropology and Director of the Center for Historic and Military Archaeology, 1/12/2022
  • Bob Warren, Assistant Football Coach, 1/31/2022
  • Phil Harner, Faculty, Professor of Religion, 3/8/2022
  • Tom Keen, Faculty, Professor of Philosophy, 4/4/2022
  • Ken Davison, Faculty, Professor of History and American Studies, 4/14/2022
  • Virginia Davison, Faculty, Professor of Voice, 5/12/2022
  • Mary Lilly, Adjunct Faculty, Biology, 6/27/2022
  • Paul Kiewit, Trustee, 9/6/2022

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