Jeanna Fullom, Gavin Buurma picked to rep Class of ’23 as Commencement speakers

“H is for …”? We are just about two weeks from finding out!

“H is for …” is the title that graduating senior biology major Jeanna Fullom has given her Commencement speech. Jeanna was chosen by a selection committee of faculty, staff and students to represent the Class of ’23 as the undergrad student Commencement speaker.

She hopes her speech conveys a sense of nostalgia and remembrance of the experience that Heidelberg provided her and her classmates the past four years.

“I am always hoping that the audience takes away that Heidelberg has become and will always be our home,” Jeanna says.

The theme for the graduate student Commencement speech is a little on the mysterious side.

MBA student Gavin Buurma, who was selected by the School of Business to represent graduate students at Commencement, has titled his speech “Into the Unknown.”

Gavin hopes the Class of ’23, family and friends will conclude that there is a sense of excitement and wonder in the unknown of what life brings after graduation.

“We can plan and plan for the future, but we are constantly growing and changing our minds,” he says. “There is so much out of our control that anything can happen, and we need to be prepared to accept the changes and pivot to create the life that we want to live.”

Congratulations, Jeanna and Gavin! We can’t wait for you to inspire us on Sunday, May 14!

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