Under the terms of a unique partnership between Ohio's colleges and universities and the Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles, a special Heidelberg University License Plate may be displayed on any passenger car, noncommercial vehicles or motor home.
The red Heidelberg "H" graces the left side of this five-character special plate. The cost of these plates will be an additional $35 more than a county's current license fee, with $25 going to Heidelberg's general scholarship fund and $10 going to the Ohio BMV to offset the cost of producing the plates. This $35 must be renewed annually.
Licensees who wish to personalize or reserve the five character spaces will have an additional charge.
For more information on obtaining Heidelberg plates, contact Ashley Helmstetter, Executive Director of Development, Alumni Engagement and Annual Giving, at (419) 448-2231, or your local BMV office.