Alumni Engagement
Alumni Engagement

Student Alumni Association

Apply to be a Student Alumni Association Ambassador

Heidelberg University Student Alumni Association Bylaws

Article I: Name

A. Student Alumni Association (SAA)

  1. Motto will be Students Today, Alumni Tomorrow.
Article II: Purpose

A. The Purpose of the Student Alumni Association Shall Be:

  1. Serve as a liaison between future students, the current student body, alumni, donors, friends, and the Institutional Advancement/University Relations Office.
  2. Participate in all IA/UR sponsored events, when deemed necessary by the advisor(s) of the Student Alumni Association.
  3. Promote student philanthropy across campus.
Article III: Membership

A. Membership Eligibility

  1. All full time undergraduate students of Heidelberg University (Tiffin campus) will be eligible to serve as members of SAA.
  2. A candidate must be in good standing (in accordance with the current university catalogue) at the time of his/her election to SAA and may serve the term of the position unless there is a subsequent change in academic or judicial standing. All members of SAA are subject to review by the Class Leaders of SAA.
  3. The term of membership in SAA shall be a maximum of four years.

B. The Composition of SAA Shall Consist of the Following:

  1. No more than five members from each of the freshmen, sophomore, junior, and senior classes. The total number of student membership will not exceed 20.
  2. The Director of Alumni Relations, The Director of Annual Giving and Alumni Engagement, and the Alumni Chapter Coordinator will select all SAA members. All IA/UR staff members and current SAA members may refer possible candidates for membership.
  3. Class Leaders will be elected by a 2/3rd’s vote of the SAA student body and shall consist of one representative from each class. Nominations and elections will take place every fall.
  4. The Director of Annual Giving and Alumni Engagement and the Alumni Chapter Coordinator will serve as advisors for SAA.
Article IV: Duties

A. Duties of the Class Leaders:

  1. Class Leaders shall meet on a monthly basis.
  2. Class Leaders shall have the following responsibilities:
    • Freshmen Class Leader will be responsible for collecting all SAA event reports.
    • Sophomore Class Leader will be responsible for monitoring and recording all meeting minutes.
    • Junior and Senior Class Leaders will be responsible for working with Advisors to set all meeting agendas and plan and lead SAA group activities (on and off campus).
    • All Class Leaders will be responsible for making sure that all of their fellow class representatives are meeting their SAA meeting and event attendance requirements.

B. Duties of the SAA Member: 

  1. Members shall attend all meetings. Members shall be allowed two excused absences from SAA meetings per semester. Absences will be written and submitted to one of the Advisors prior to any SAA meeting for approval. Should a pattern of absences develop, the Class Leaders and Advisors may review the individual’s circumstances and may choose to dismiss that member.
  2. All SAA members will provide a minimum of 12 hours of service by working at no less than two IA/UR sponsored events per semester.
    • SAA Class Leaders and Advisors have the right to remove any member for failure to meet SAA responsibilities.
  3. All SAA members will demonstrate an interest in improving alumni/student relations.
  4. All SAA members will demonstrate an interest in student philanthropy and will work each year to advance their class in their fundraising efforts to their senior year where they will donate their senior class gift.
  5. Each member must fill-out an event report form upon completion of an SAA event.
Article V: Meetings and Events

A. SAA will hold meetings …

  1. Bi-weekly unless an event is coming up then meetings may be weekly or even multiple times a week.
  2. During the month of December, SAA will meet only once.

B. SAA will participate in the following events:

  1. Homecoming
  2. Fellows Day
  3. Patricia Adams Lecture Series Dinners and Programs
  4. Alumni Weekend
  5. Alumni Chapter and Network events
    • These events will be divided among SAA members and based on demographic location and interest.
  6. All other events deemed appropriate by SAA Advisors.

Contact Information

University Hall
Tiffin, OH 44883


Mon - Fri: 8:00am - 5:00pm

Our Team

Ashley Helmstetter
Associate Vice President for Advancement, Alumni, and Community Relations
University Hall 207
(419) 448-2231
Ashley Poppe-Helmstetter
Sydney Hieronymus
Director of Annual Giving and Alumni Engagement
University Hall
Sydney Hieronymus
Bob Youngblood
Alumni Engagement-Admission Liaison
University Hall 207
(419) 448-2033