
The Rock Creek Review

ISSN 2689-7415

The Rock Creek Review is an undergraduate literary criticism journal edited, produced and published by students at Heidelberg University in partnership with the English Department. This journal will solicit literary research from schools around the world for an annual publication every Spring.

Call For Papers

The Rock Creek Review - R e a d i n g  t h e  U n r e a l

In 1817, English poet, writer, and philosopher Samuel Taylor Coleridge published his two-volume autobiography entitled Biographia Literaria. In his writing, Coleridge proposed the idea of the “suspension of disbelief”, in which an audience willingly suspends their ideals of what is real or not to fully understand and immerse themselves in a narrative or story. This year’s edition of The Rock Creek Review invites undergraduate essays analyzing and critiquing pieces of literature in which the reader must confront the unreal and suspend their disbelief. Essays falling outside of this theme will be accepted, but priority is given to those that do.

All submissions must:

  • Be in English
  • MLA Style
  • Less than 5,000 words
  • In a Google Doc or Word format
  • Submissions close February 1st, 2025 at 10 pm Eastern US time

*We will take submissions outside of the theme, but priority is given to those fitting.

Submit here

Questions? Email: rockcreek@heidelberg.edu

Previous Issues


Questions about The Rock Creek Review? Please contact Barry Devine, assistant professor of English, at bdevine@heidelberg.edu.

Contact Information


Department Chair: 
Desirae Matherly


Mon - Fri: 8:00am - 5:00pm

Our Team

Sherri Bowerman
Administrative Assistant for the School of Education
Lavely-Shedenhelm Education Center 116
(419) 448-2125
Sherri B
Alexandra Chakov
Adjunct Instructor in English
Heidelberg University
Barry Devine
Associate Professor of English
Pfleiderer Hall 303
(419) 448-2047
Emily Isaacson
Director of the General Education Program|Director of Honors Program|Associate Professor English
Pfleiderer Hall 306
(419) 448-2184
Emily I
Desirae Matherly
Chair of English and World Languages| Associate Professor of English
Heidelberg University
(419) 448-2021
Desirae Matherly