Center for Survivor Empowerment
Center for Survivor Empowerment
If you need immediate help, call 911.

File a report with the Title IX Office: Click here to submit a complaint

What to expect when filing a report

  • What to expect when: Reporting to the University
  • Heidelberg University has designated the Title IX Coordinator to oversee complains of sexual misconduct at the University. The Title IX Coordinator and Deputy Title IX Coordinators are specially trained to work with individuals who report sexual misconduct and have knowledge about on- and off-campus resources, services, and options — including the availability of interim protective measures and accommodations.
  • You have the right to receive written information on all of your rights and options, including your rights to receive support resources, proceed with a university investigation, or to file a report with police. The university respects the needs and choices of the victim/survivor.

How the Title IX Investigative Process Works

  • Upon a report of an incident, the Title IX Coordinator or designee will reach out to the reporting party to inquire if they’d like to meet and discuss what happened. If the reporting party accepts an invitation to meet, then at that time, the Coordinator will listen, offer resources, and explain what options are available if the reporting party would like to move forward.
  • Interim measures, including academic modifications, may be implemented.
  • If a reporting party would like to move forward, an investigation is generally the first step. We have several trained investigators on our campus.
  • At any time in our process – before, during, or after – a reporting party may file a report with law enforcement. To the greatest extent possible and permissible, Heidelberg will work with law enforcement.
  • Heidelberg maintains the matter as private as possible and hopes all of the parties involved will do the same by utilizing confidential resources.
  • If the investigator determines there is a reasonable likelihood that a violation of the policy occurred, there are two potential resolution processes available: Informal and Formal.
  • Informal resolution is mediation and can be used when the parties agree and the violation was non-violent in nature.
  • Formal resolution utilizes a Conduct Board to determine whether it is more likely than not that a violation of the policy occurred.
  • The parties are able to appeal the finding and/or the sanction, if applicable.
  • Faculty can have many roles in the Title IX process – Advisor or Conduct Board Member are the most frequently needed roles for Faculty members.

Contact Information

Meridith Lucius, M.A
Project Director

Campus Center 309
Tiffin, OH 44883


Our Team

Meridith Lucius
Center for Survivor Empowerment, Project Director
Campus Center 309