Safety & Security
Safety & Security

Security FAQs

Where is Campus Security located?

  • Campus Security is located on the second floor of the Campus Center (Room 209)

How do I contact Campus Security?

When can I contact Campus Security?

  • Campus Security can be reached 24 hours a day, seven days a week, all year around.

Does Campus Security patrol the campus?

  • Yes. Campus Security patrols during various hours throughout the day and night. Campus Security responds to emergency and maintenance situations. Campus Security is also available for escort requests and residential building lockouts.

How do I identify Campus Security?

  • Campus Security is staffed with a Director of Camus Safety & Security, three full-time officers, one part time officer, and part-time student officers. At least one officer is on 24/7 every day of the year and sometimes more for special events. Campus security wears black shirts with an orange logo that says “Heidelberg Security” on it. Campus Security vehicles can be identified by the Heidelberg Security logo on the vehicle.

Where do I go for more information about Campus Security?

Is there a Lost and Found on campus?

  • Lost and found items can be turned in at the Campus Security Office, Room 209 on the second floor of Campus Center.

Contact Information

Campus Safety & Security

Tiffin, OH 44883


Our Team

Larry Borges
Security Officer
Campus Center
Dana Dudley
Security Officer
Campus Center
Jake McGraw
Director of Campus Safety and Compliance
Campus Center
(419) 448-2048
Jake McGraw
Paul Sweeney
Assistant Director of Campus Safety and Security
Campus Center
Bradley Wright
Security Officer
Campus Center
(419) 448-2211
Tom Wurm
Security Officer
Campus Center
(419) 448-2211
Tom Wurm