Safety & Security
Safety & Security
Crisis & Emergency Response Summary
The following is the recommended procedures to be followed during specific types of emergencies, and is intended to provide guidance to any person who initially discovers the emergency or who is first on the scene.
First Contact - Tiffin Police Department: 911
Second Contact - Campus Security: 419-448-2211
Nothing or no one can guarantee your safety in a violent shooter incident. Being prepared on what to do until law enforcement arrives can improve the odds of survival. This policy recommends strategies that can improve your chances of surviving a violent shooter incident. This policy gives recommendations only and does not guarantee the survival of a shooter incident. This policy is based on the A.L.I.C.E. response to an active shooter.
In general, how you respond to an active shooter will be dictated by the specific circumstances of the encounter, bearing in mind there could be more than one shooter involved in the same situation. If you find yourself involved in an active shooter situation, try to remain calm and focused. Use these guidelines to help you plan a strategy for survival.
What to do if you hear gunshots:
If you hear what sounds like gunshots or popping, immediately assume they are gunshots and don’t investigate. You need to quickly decide one of three courses of action:
- Can you evacuate from the building? If so, evacuate immediately and call 911 when you are safe.
- When Dialing 911, stay calm and give the police as much information as you know (description of the shooter, whereabouts, etc.) If you can’t speak, leave the line open so the dispatcher can listen to what’s taking place. At times the location of a 911 call can be determined without speaking.
- If unable to evacuate can you stay where you are and secure yourself from the shooter? If so, take action to secure yourself. When you are safe, immediately call 911.
- If unable to evacuate or secure yourself in an area away from the shooter, you may need to prepare to take aggressive action to protect yourself.
Deciding on the best course of action:
The information below will aid in deciding on which course of action might be your best option:
- If an active shooter is in the same building as you, determine if evacuating the building is possible. If so, exit the building immediately and attempt to alert others as you exit the building. Immediately call 911 when you are safe. If unable to evacuate lock down the room you are in and attempt to barricade the door with anything you can use to do so. Call 911 when you have the room secure.
- If an active shooter is outside your building, look for an evacuation route away from the building you are in. If safe to do so evacuate the building away from the shooter and immediately call 911. If unable to evacuate lock down the room you are in and attempt to barricade the door with anything you can use to do so. Unfamiliar voices may be the shooter attempting to lure victims from their safe space; do not respond to any voice commands. Stay in your secure area until the police have found you.
- If an active shooter enters your office or classroom and escape is not possible, you may need to consider taking aggressive action to protect yourself. If you and others decide to make an attempt to overpower the shooter, realize this will involve significant risk and cannot be accomplished half-heartedly. If the decision is made to confront and attempt to overpower the shooter, experts recommend spreading out and not standing in a group. Use any method possible to distract the shooter. Screaming and throwing items at the shooter are recommended. Remember, this will involve significant risk and may involve final attempts to preserve innocent lives.
When you evacuate:
- Do not attempt to carry anything while fleeing. Move quickly, keep your hands visible, and follow the instructions of any police officer you may encounter and remain calm.
- If you happen to come across the shooters weapon, do not pick it up. Cover the item with something such as a trash can and alert the police. If you have to pick the weapon up to keep the shooter from regaining possession, place the weapon in a trash can and immediately take to the police.
- Once you have evacuated go to a safe area and wait for instructions from law enforcement or campus administrators.
Do not try to drive off campus unless advised to do so by police or campus administrators.
First Contact - Tiffin Fire/Rescue Division: 911
Second Contact - Campus Security: 419-448-2211
An Airborne Release is defined as a release of any pollutant into the air.
- If you smell fumes or an unknown gas, dial 911 immediately.
- If the airborne release is inside a facility, turn off all fans and heating and air condition systems. Evacuate the building site and move to a designated safe location.
- If the airborne release is outside the facility, stay in the facility, close all windows and doors to the outside, and await further instructions from emergency personnel.
- If the gases start to bother you, hold a wet cloth or handkerchief over your nose and mouth.
- Minimize the use of elevators in buildings. These tend to "pump" outdoor air in and out of a building as they travel up and down.
- Tune to the emergency broadcast station on the radio, WTTF AM 1600 or television for further information and guidance. Information may also be posted on the Heidelberg website.
The lead-time of an airborne release incident could be from zero to 30 minutes. As a result, this short time may not allow for a safe evacuation. An evacuation under these conditions may expose the population to dangerous toxic chemicals; therefore, the recommendation is to seek shelter in your room or office. If you are advised to "shelter in place," remain inside your home or office and protect yourself there. Close and lock all windows and exterior doors. Turn off all fans, heating and air conditioning systems. Go to an interior room/hallway without windows that is above ground level. If possible, take a battery-powered radio with you so you can listen to a local radio station for updates on the situation.
First Contact - Tiffin Fire/Rescue Division: 911
Second Contact - Campus Security: 419-448-2211
- If you observe a suspicious object on campus DO NOT HANDLE THE OBJECT! Clear the area and immediately call 911 immediately.
- Any person receiving a threat via the telephone should ask the caller:
- Exact location of device (building, floor, room, etc.).
- Time device is set to explode
- Kind of device, timing device, etc.
- Keep talking to the caller as long as possible and record the following:
- Date and time of call
- Location of alleged device
- Detonation time of alleged device
- Type of device
- Speech pattern, accent, distinguishing characteristics, etc.
- Background noise
- Critical statements made by caller
- Using another telephone, dial 911.
- A decision to evacuate the building will be made after the threat has been assessed, identified, and a need to evacuate confirmed.
- The order to evacuate could come from either law enforcement, the fire department, or University personnel.
- If instructed, evacuate the building by the nearest available exit. If persons with disabilities cannot safely evacuate the building, assist them to the nearest stairwell away from the threat. Alert emergency personnel of their location.
- Once outside, move to a clear area that is at least 500 feet away from the affected building. Keep streets and walkways clear for emergency vehicles and crews.
- DO NOT RETURN TO AN EVACUATED BUILDING unless authorized by Campus Security.
First Contact - Tiffin Fire/Rescue Division: 911
Second Contact - Campus Security: 419-448-2211
Hazardous materials come in four forms: Explosives, Flammable and Combustible Substances, Poisons, and Radioactive Materials.
If a chemical spill occurs:
- Report any spillage of hazardous chemicals immediately to the Tiffin Fire/Rescue Division by dialing 911.
- Then call Campus Security 419-448-2211.
- Avoid contact with spilled liquids, airborne mists, or condensed solid chemical deposits.
- If possible, avoid inhaling gases, fumes, and smoke covering the nose and mouth.
- If toxic chemicals come in contact with your skin, immediately flush the affected area with clear water.
- Avoid contact with exposed individuals.
- Vacate the affected area at once and seal it off to prevent further contamination. If possible vacate the area in the direction upwind from the source.
- Wait for emergency personnel to arrive.
- Follow decontamination instructions from local authorities.
If a chemical fire occurs:
- Remain calm
- Dial 911.
- If the fire is small and you have received training, attempt to put it out with a fire extinguisher or other available means. Do not jeopardize your personal safety.
- Never allow the fire to come between you and the exit.
- Evacuate your area if you are unable to put out the fire. Close doors and windows behind you to confine the fire. Proceed to exit.
- Do not break windows. A fire needs oxygen.
- Do not attempt to save possessions at the risk of personal injury.
- Once outside, move to a safe area away from the building. Keep streets and walkways clear for emergency vehicles and personnel.
- Do not return to the emergency area until instructed to do so by Police or Fire/Rescue Division officials.
Note: All chemical spills and fires, no matter how small, should be reported. Planning includes training in proper use of fire extinguishers and knowing their location.
First Contact - Tiffin Police Department: 911
Second Contact - Campus Security: 419-448-2211
- Keep calm. Resistance may only increase destruction of property and a threat of bodily harm. Do not confront demonstrators.
- Should a disturbance occur dial 911.
- If protestors enter your building, let them.
- Try to carry on business as usual.
- If the noise becomes too great, or the crowd is too large, feel free to close and lock office doors and windows – this is a departmental decision.
- If it becomes necessary to evacuate, follow police directions.
First Contact - Tiffin Fire/Rescue Division: 911
Second Contact - Campus Security: 419-448-2211
During an earthquake, remain calm and quickly follow the steps outlined below:
- If INDOORS seek refuge in a doorway or under a desk or table. Stay away from glass, windows, shelves and heavy equipment.
- If OUTDOORS, move quickly away from buildings, utility poles and other structures.
- Always avoid power or utility lines as they may be energized.
- After the initial shock, evaluate the situation, and if emergency help is necessary dial 911.
- Damage to facilities should be reported to security.
- If there is a strong odor of gas dial 911 immediately.
- Do not return to your building until you have been instructed to do so by someone from Campus Security, Tiffin Police or Tiffin Fire/Rescue Division.
- In the case of permanent damage to the residence halls or classrooms, the Heidelberg University Administration will make the necessary arrangements for meals, housing, and class.
First Contact - Campus Security: 419-448-2211
Second Contact - Dial 911
- If you are TRAPPED in an elevator, pick up the emergency phone to notify campus security. If the phone is inoperable, turn on the emergency alarm, which will signal for help. When someone responds, instruct them to contact Campus Security.
- Security will attempt to reboot the elevator at the power source.
- If security is unable to reboot the elevator security will then call the Tiffin Fire/Rescue Division. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO EXIT A STALLED ELEVATOR UNLESS TOLD TO DO SO BY EMERGENCY RESCUE STAFF.
- If you receive notice that an elevator has malfunctioned, notify Security at the designated emergency response number. Provide the following information:
- Your name
- Building
- Floor
- Present situation
- A person stranded in an elevator needs to be reassured that his/her alarm has been noticed and help is coming. Keep in contact until help arrives.
- If you find an inoperative elevator without occupants, notify Security,
First Contact - Campus Security: 419-448-2211
Second Contact - Tiffin Fire/Rescue Division: 911
In certain emergency situations, such as the release of hazardous materials, Campus Security and or emergency responders may order the evacuation of certain offices or buildings, or instruct people in those facilities to shelter in place.
It is possible that some emergency scenarios could result in one of these protective actions being ordered for one part of campus and the other protective action for a different area of campus. When such actions are warranted the Office of Campus Safety & Security will advise you on the appropriate action via the SendWordNow system.
Determine in advance the nearest exit from your work location, classroom or residence hall room, and the route you will follow to reach that exit in an emergency. Establish an alternate route to be used in the event your route is blocked or unsafe.
During an evacuation:
- Evacuate quickly
- Follow instructions from emergency personnel and follow the directions provided for safe routes of evacuation
- Check doors for heat before opening. (Do not open door if hot)
- Close the door as you exit your room or office
- Dress appropriately for the weather
- Take only essentials with you (e.g. eyeglasses, medications, identification, and cash/checkbook/credit cards) – do not pack belongings
- Turn off unnecessary equipment, computers and appliances
- Walk, do not run. Do not push or crowd
- Keep noise to a minimum so you can hear emergency instructions
- Use handrails in stairwells; stay to the right
- Assist people with disabilities
- Listen to a radio, if available, to monitor emergency status
Do not use your personal vehicle for evacuation unless specifically instructed to do so. If cars are used to evacuate, protect against hazardous materials by keeping windows closed and outside air conditioning or heating systems off.
Relocating outside the building:
- Move quickly away from the building
- Watch for falling glass and other debris
- Try to stay with your fellow employees so all can be accounted for
- If you have relocated away from the building, DO NOT return until notified that it is safe to do so.
Shelter in Place
During certain emergency situations, particularly chemical, biological, or radioactive material releases and some weather emergencies, you may be advised to “shelter in place” rather than evacuate the building.
When directed to shelter in place:
- Stay inside the building (or go indoors as quickly as possible)
- Do not use elevators
- Quickly locate supplies you may need such as food, water, radio, etc…
- If possible, go to a room or corridor where there are no windows and few doors
- If there is time, shut and lock all windows and doors (locking the door may provide a better seal on the door against chemicals).
- In the event of a chemical release, go to an above ground level of the building; most chemical vapors and gases are heavier than air and may seep into basements even if windows are closed
- Turn off heat, fans, air conditioning, or ventilation system, if you have local control of the systems
- Drink bottled water or stored water, not water from the tap
- If possible, check for additional information through the local radio and television stations
- Do not call 911 unless you are reporting a life-threatening situation
- If you smell gases or vapors, hold a wet cloth loosely over your nose and mouth and breath through it in as normal a fashion as possible
When the all clear is announced open all doors and windows, turn on heating, air conditioning or ventilation systems, and go outside and wait until the building has been ventilated.
First Contact - Tiffin Fire/Rescue Division: 911
Second Contact - Campus Security: 419-448-2211
In the event of an explosion on campus, take the following action:
- Immediately take cover under tables, desks or other objects that will give protection against falling glass and debris.
- After the initial effects of the explosion have subsided, notify the Tiffin Fire/Rescue Division at the designated emergency response number 911. Give your name and describe the location and nature of the emergency. Notify Security at the designated emergency response number.
- Activate the building fire alarm.
- Evacuate the building by the nearest available exit. If persons with disabilities cannot safely evacuate the building, assist them to the nearest stairwell away from damaged area. Alert emergency personnel of their location.
- Once outside, move to a clear area that is at least 100 feet away from the affected building. Keep streets and walkways clear for emergency vehicles and crews.
- DO NOT RETURN TO AN EVACUATED BUILDING unless authorized by the Tiffin Fire/Rescue Division or Security.
- The Director of Campus Safety & Security will notify the Dean of Student Affairs and the Associate Vice President for Facilities & Engineering. The Director of Campus Safety & Security will then notify the members of the Heidelberg Emergency Incident Operations Team.
First Contact - Tiffin Fire/Rescue Division: 911
Second Contact - Campus Security: 419-448-2211
- In case of fire, activate the nearest fire alarm. Take appropriate precautions to assure your personal safety.
- When you are in a safe area, away from the fire, call the Tiffin Fire/Rescue Division at the designated emergency response number 911. Give your name and the exact location of the fire (building, floor, room, etc.). Be sure to stay on the phone until released by the emergency operator. Follow-up with a call to Security at the designated emergency response number.
- Evacuate the building by the nearest uninvolved exit. If persons with disabilities cannot safely evacuate the building, assist them to the nearest uninvolved stairwell. Alert emergency personnel of their location.
- Always evacuate a building when the alarm is ringing.
- Once outside, move to a clear area that is at least 100 feet away from the affected building and follow instructions from fire personnel. Keep streets and walkways clear for emergency vehicles and crews.
- DO NOT RETURN TO OR ENTER AN EVACUATED BUILDING unless authorized by a City of Tiffin Fire/Rescue Division Official.
- The Director of Campus Safety & Security will assess the situation, and notify the Dean of Student Affairs and the Associate Vice President for Facilities & Engineering.
First Contact - Campus Security: 419-448-2211
Second Contact - Krammes Service Center: 419-448-2391
The low lying areas of the campus are in a flood plain and could be affected if Rock Creek goes over the banks. The Office of Campus Safety & Security will have the primary responsibility for evaluating Rock Creek elevation conditions and for triggering various levels of readiness notifications to the campus community that would be affected by flooding conditions.
Flood Watch: A Flood Watch is issued when conditions are favorable for flooding. It does not mean flooding will occur, but it is possible.
Flood Warning: Available information indicates that the Creek will go over the banks and will affect the lower areas of the campus.
In the case of imminent or actual flooding:
- A notification will be sent out by the Office of Campus Safety & Security through the Heidelberg Emergency Notification System (SendWordNow).
- If you can safely do so:
- Unplug all electrical equipment.
- Secure any vital belongings.
- All departments (such as athletics) should secure all equipment.
- If instructed to evacuate your area, do so in a calm and safe manner.
- Attempt to find higher, safer ground.
- If the waters start to rise in your building before you have evacuated and you cannot safely exit the building, retreat to a higher floor and if necessary, the roof.
- If instructed to move your vehicle, information will be provided to you with instructions on where to move your vehicle.
- Do not attempt to drive through a flooded area.
- Do not walk through flooded areas. As little as six inches of moving water can knock you off your feet.
- Do not try to swim to safety; wait for rescuers to come to you.
- Stay away from downed power lines and electrical wires.
- Do not return to your building until you have been instructed to do so by someone from Campus Security, Tiffin Police or Tiffin Fire/Rescue Division.
- In the case of permanent damage to the residence halls or classrooms, the Heidelberg University Administration will make the necessary arrangements for meals, housing, and class.
These are the steps Heidelberg University takes to be sure that faculty, staff and students are safe during inclement weather. Please review the following material carefully, and should you have any questions, please feel free to give me a call.
- When the Seneca County Sheriff's Department and the City of Tiffin Police Department declare the roads in Seneca County and the City of Tiffin impassable and motorists are advised to stay off the roads and highways, the Dean of Student Affairs, in collaboration with the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost will determine whether classes should be delayed or cancelled for that day, and if offices will be closed. The decision will be made as early as possible in order to inform employees and students.
- Decisions regarding graduate school classes on the Tiffin campus will be made by the Office of Academic Affairs.
- After a decision is made a message will be sent using SendWordNow to the Weather Emergency Group.
- The Dean of Student Affairs or his designee will send notification to all students, faculty and staff using SendWordNow.
- Under the direction of the Dean of Student Affairs or his designee, the Director of Branding & Marketing will post the weather emergency information on the University website, University social media sites, and contact the following media sources to inform students, staff and faculty of delays or closings:
WTTF Radio (Tiffin–1600 AM/93.3 FM);
WTVG-TV (Toledo-Channel 13), WNWO-TV (Toledo–Channel 24), and WTOL-TV (Toledo-Channel 11).
- The Business Officer or his/her designee will record a new outgoing greeting on the University switchboard.
- Campus Security will be available by phone during periods of delay or closing.
- Because it is important to realize that essential services are provided at all times to the residential population, each member of the Senior Leadership team should determine which personnel should report to campus. Essential services personnel should include the Associate Vice President for Facilities & Engineering, members of Krammes Service Center staff, the Dean of Student Affairs, the General Manager of Dining Services, Security Staff, and the Vice President for Administration & Business Affairs.
- The Associate Vice President for Facilities & Engineering will utilize the appropriate staff to make sure all paved parking areas will be cleared.
Typically, if the decision is made to delay the opening, Monday, Wednesday and Friday classes will be scheduled to begin at 10:00 a.m. (8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. classes will be cancelled). Tuesday and Thursday classes will convene at 10:00 a.m. (all classes that begin before 10:00 a.m. will be cancelled). Delayed times will be determined by the Dean of Student Affairs, in collaboration with the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost.
Unless classes are delayed or cancelled by the University, faculty members are expected to meet their classes. However, if a faculty member feels that he or she cannot safely travel to campus for class, the faculty member should do the following:
Call 448-2216 and leave a message with the following information: Name, Department, day when classes will not be held.
- Whenever possible, faculty should call with the message before 7:30 a.m. It is important that this information is available for commuters as early as possible.
- The Administrative Assistant to the VPAA and Provost will transfer the information to a special voice mailbox that has been created for weather related information. The Administrative Assistant to the VPAA and Provost will contact The Director of Branding & Marketing or his/her designee to post the weather emergency information on the University website.
Students can call 448-2222 or go to the University Home Page to learn which faculty members are not holding class prior to driving to campus or leaving the residence hall.
First Contact - Campus Security: 419-448-2211
Second Contact - Stoner Health & Counseling Center: 419-448-2042
The Health Center will most likely already be involved in the assessment and management of an infectious disease outbreak from the beginning. If not, contact the Director of the Stoner Health & Counseling Center at the number above.
1. Health Center personnel will notify the Seneca County General Health District if there is a suspected infectious disease outbreak.
2. In cooperation with local officials, the Health Center staff will help manage the outbreak using the guidelines provided by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the Ohio Department of Health.
3. If the situation requires emergency medical care follow emergency procedures by calling 911 to provide immediate health care.
4. The Dean of Student Affairs and the Director of the Stoner Health & Counseling Center will notify the Heidelberg Emergency Incident Operations Team if appropriate.
Pandemic Infectious Disease – In the event a pandemic infectious disease becomes evident on campus, Heidelberg University will take all necessary steps to protect students, faculty and staff while also complying with requirements from the Seneca County Health Department.
Students – If you develop flu-like symptoms:
1. Call the Stoner Health & Counseling Center for instructions 419-448-2041.
2. DO NOT show up to the Health Center without first notifying the center.
3. Follow the instructions provided by the Health Center.
4. If you are sick, stay home or in your room to avoid spreading the illness.
Heidelberg senior leadership should work in close collaboration with local health officials and the university system to make class suspension and event and activity cancellation decisions. Heidelberg is not expected to make decisions about suspending classes or canceling events on their own. Heidelberg can seek specific guidance from local health officials to determine if, when, and for how long to take these steps. Class suspension and event and activity (e.g., on-campus sporting, theater, and music events) cancellation may be recommended by state and local health officials. The nature of these actions (e.g., geographic scope, duration) may change as the local outbreak situation evolves.
Quarantine Plan:
If a pandemic infectious disease outbreak appears the University may find it necessary to quarantine a large number of students to reduce the potential for the infectious disease to spread among the campus community. Students with family or parents living a reasonable distance from Heidelberg will be required to leave campus and live with family until they are well. Students will need medical clearance by their primary care provider prior to return to campus.
Heidelberg also highly recommends students and parents make arrangements to get the student home should they live outside a reasonable distance from the University. Access to physicians and health care workers familiar with
the individual and care from family will be preferable to all involved as it will also make room for those students who do not or are unable to leave campus.
For those unable to leave campus, the University will utilize the Saurwein Health and Recreation Center as its primary quarantine facility. This facility contains the necessary shower, locker and restroom facilities necessary to provide services. Heidelberg will activate its Heidelberg Emergency Incident Operations Team (HEIOT) to assist in the set up and management of the quarantine facility.
Should a small number of students need quarantine, Heidelberg HEIOT will identify a house or other suitable facility to quarantine those individuals. The actual location will be based on the needs of the students.
Should a large number of students need quarantine Seiberling gymnasium will be utilized as the primary quarantine area. The University will work with Krammes to provide blankets and bedding for the facility.
The quarantine facility will be staffed with Stoner Health & Counseling Center personnel in charge. Other University employees will be reassigned to the quarantine facility to assist the Health Center where and when appropriate. These individuals will be assigned appropriate jobs according to their skill set and the particular needs of the quarantine facility. All doors leading into the facility will be locked to prevent access by anyone other than those staffing the facility and Heidelberg Campus Safety & Security will increase patrol frequency around the facility.
Men’s and Women’s locker rooms located on the first floor of Seiberling will be utilized exclusively for those ill with the infectious disease. Students will be required to bring enough clothes and personal hygiene items to last for seven days prior to entering the facility. They will be allowed cell phones to remain in contact with family as well as personal laptop computers. Course work and due dates for completion will be postponed for those students in quarantine as appropriate. Heidelberg expects students and professors to work together on a mutually agreeable timetable to catch up once the student is released from quarantine. Disputes will be mediated using current Heidelberg procedures and policies.
The Office of Academic Affairs will make appropriate policy and procedure adjustments based upon the timing of the quarantine during the academic semester and the potential effect on quarantined student’s academic work.
Food will be provided via Parkhurst on campus facilities and delivered to Seiberling. The food will be delivered in the lobby of Seiberling in individual disposable boxes. Paper plates and plastic utensils/cups will be provided. Once set up is complete, Parkhurst staff will leave the facility to avoid potential exposure to the ill students. Parkhurst staff should wear appropriate personal protective equipment when delivering food or cleaning up following a meal. Any food remaining following meal times is to be disposed of in the dumpsters behind Hoernemann.
Heidelberg will utilize internal housekeeping personnel to maintain the facility during the quarantine. These individuals will be provided with appropriate personal protective equipment to prevent exposure to the virus. Standard housekeeping operating procedures will be used to clean the facility with approved EPA approved disinfectants effective in destroying the virus. Waste from the facility will be disposed of in the dumpsters behind Hoernemann. These dumpsters will be cordoned off by the Krammes and/or Heidelberg Campus Safety & Security. Protective gear worn by housekeeping staff will also be disposed of in the same dumpsters used for waste from the quarantine facility.
All employees staffing the quarantine facility will be provided with access to gender specific showers, locker rooms and bathrooms to allow for regular hand washing as well as other personal hygiene care to aid in the prevention of contracting the infectious disease. Employees will need to bring the necessary personal hygiene items from home such as towels, washcloths, soap, etc. to make use of the shower facilities.
Those quarantined will remain in quarantine until released by the Stoner Health & Counseling Center Director, as advised by the Seneca County General Health District. They will not be allowed to leave the building as to contain the spread of the infectious disease as much as possible. However, the University will release students to their parents or other family members for removal from campus to receive care at home. Home care is preferred and highly encouraged by the University as it believes the students will be much more comfortable at home. Further, this will relieve the strain on Heidelberg resources and staff that may be needed to perform the job functions of other employees who may be absent due to illness or caring for an ill family member.
Those too ill for the capabilities of University health care workers will be transported via EMS to Tiffin Mercy Health Hospital or other appropriate care facility. It should be understood that if the pandemic affects a large enough population, local health departments will implement alternate care centers to assist in managing the surge in patients that will occur. Once these alternate care centers are in place, those too ill to remain on campus may be transported to one of these centers for additional care.
According to the CDC, the following are emergency warning signs in adults that require urgent medical care:
• Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
• Pain or pressure in the chest or abdomen
• Sudden dizziness
• Confusion
• Severe or persistent vomiting
• Flu-like symptoms improve but then return with fever and worse cough
Heidelberg University does not maintain extensive health care resources on campus; therefore, some care that may be required but does not reach the level of an emergency warning sign may result in a student being transferred to the hospital or alternate care center. Such care may include intravenous drip or other similar care that is readily available at the local hospital or alternate care center.
Emergency Quarantine Locations and Bed Count
Location Available Bed Space
Stoner Health & Counseling Center 1
• One student may be quarantined in Stoner until transported to hospital or home. If more than one student needs to be quarantined the Saurwein Health & Wellness Center will be set up for quarantine.
Saurwein Health & Wellness Center 10
• If more than 10 students need to be quarantined, Seiberling Gymnasium will be set up for quarantine.
Seiberling Gymnasium 100
• The number of available bed spaces in Saurwein and Seiberling may be altered by the Director of the Stoner Health & Counseling Center if staffing is not adequate to treat patients.
Campus Housing
• Additional quarantine bed space may be available in campus housing. Residence Life staff will identify available campus houses if needed.
First Contact - Tiffin Fire/Rescue Division: 911
Second Contact - Campus Security: 419-448-2211
In the event of a life-threatening emergency or death on campus take the following action:
- Notify the designated emergency response number 911 and Campus Security 419-448-2211. A security officer will proceed to the scene immediately to meet emergency personnel.
- The scene will be secured by Campus Security until the police arrive.
- Emergency care will be provided as needed pending Emergency Medical Service (EMS) arrival. The security officer will gather as much information as possible and inform the Administrator on Call about the situation. The Administrator on call will then notify the Dean of Student Affairs.
- Upon arrival of the Tiffin Police Department, Security will turn the scene over to the police and will assist as needed.
- In the event of a death of a student, the Administrator on Call will contact the Dean of Student Affairs and proceed to the scene.
- In the event of a death of a staff member, the Administrator on Call will contact the Chief Human Resources Officer and proceed to the scene.
- The Dean of Student Affairs will contact the University Chaplain and the Associate Director of Counseling to establish services for the campus community.
First Contact - Tiffin Fire/Rescue Division: 911
Second Contact - Campus Security: 419-448-2211
- If a serious injury or illness occurs on campus, immediately call 911 for EMS. Give your name, describe the nature and severity of the medical problem, and provide the campus location of the victim. Do not hang up until released by the emergency operator.
- Call Campus Security at 419-448-2211 to inform them of the emergency and inform them that the EMS has been notified.
- Keep the victim still and comfortable until help arrives. Do not move the victim.
- Administer first-aid and CPR if necessary.
- If conscious and oriented, the individual has the right and responsibility to determine his/her own health care needs and the response to those needs. Under such circumstances, University staff should refrain from recommending specific health care vendors. In circumstances involving a person who is unconscious and/or not oriented, calling the EMS and campus security is the appropriate response.
- In case of a minor injury or illness, students may go to the Stoner Health & Counseling Center during open hours.
- The Dean of Student affairs will be notified for all serious illnesses and injuries involving students.
- The Chief Human Resources Officer will be notified for all serious illnesses and injuries involving faculty and staff.
First Contact - Campus Security: 419-448-2211
Second Contact - Tiffin Police Department: 419-447-2323
If any member of the Heidelberg University community has reason to believe a Heidelberg University student who resides in on-campus housing has been missing for at least 24 hours, they should promptly contact Campus Security at 419-448-2211. All students have the option to identify an individual to be contacted by the University within 24 hours after the student is determined to be missing in accordance with this policy. Student contact information will be registered confidentially and only authorized campus officials and law enforcement officers in furtherance of a missing person investigation may have access to this information. Confidential contact information can be registered by the student in OASIS. If Campus Security makes an official determination that a student is missing the Tiffin Police Department will be notified and emergency contact procedures will be initiated within 24 hours in accordance with the student’s designation. In addition, the Dean of Student Affairs will be notified. If a missing student is under 18 years of age and is not emancipated, Heidelberg University is required to notify the missing student’s custodial parent or guardian within 24 hours after the student is determined missing, in addition to notifying any additional contact person designated by the student.
- Any report of a missing student, from whatever source, should immediately be directed to Campus Security.
- When a student is reported missing:
- Campus Security will notify the Tiffin City Police within 24 hours after determining that the student is missing.
- If the missing student is under the age of 18, the Dean of Students Affairs will notify the student’s custodial parent or guardian as contained in the records of the University within 24 hours of the determination that the student is missing.
- The Dean of Students shall notify the individual identified by the missing student as the emergency contact within 24 hours of making a determination that the student is missing.
- Campus Security will contact the Dean of Student Affairs if the student cannot be located.
- Campus Security will initiate an investigation to determine the validity of the missing person report.
- Campus Security will notify the Assistant Director of Campus Safety & Security or the Director of Campus Safety & Security if the Assistant cannot be contacted
- The Dean of Student Affairs will notify the President of the University.
- The Dean of Student Affairs shall initiate whatever action he or she deems appropriate under the circumstances, is in the best interest of the missing student.
First Contact - Tiffin Fire/Rescue Division: 911
Second Contact - Campus Security: 419-448-2211
- If you smell natural gas and suspect a large/significant gas leak, evacuate area and dial 911.
- Evacuate the building by the nearest exit. Notify other building occupants to do so as well. If persons with disabilities cannot safely evacuate the building, assist them to the nearest stairwell away from the emergency area. Alert emergency personnel of their location.
- Notify Campus Security at the designated emergency response number. State the location and extent of involvement of the gas leak. They will then notify the Krammes Service Center.
- Once outside, move away from the building at least 100 feet. Keep walkways clear for emergency vehicles and crews.
- DO NOT RETURN TO AN EVACUATED BUILDING unless authorized by Campus Security.
- For minor leaks during normal business hours contact Krammes Service Center at 419-448-2391. If no response or after hours, contact campus security at 419-448-2211.
First Contact - Campus Security: 419-448-2211
Second Contact - Krammes Service Center: 419-448-2391
To report a minor or localized power outage contact Campus Security at the designated emergency response number 419-448-2211. In the event of a major, campus-wide outage, American Electric Power will be contacted by the Associate Vice President for Facilities & Engineering (or his/her designee).
In the event of a major, campus-wide power outage:
- Follow directions from Campus Security for immediate action. A notification will be sent out by Campus Security through the Heidelberg Emergency Notification System (SendWordNow) with instructions.
- Provide assistance to others in your immediate area who may be unfamiliar with the space.
- If you are in an unlighted area, proceed cautiously to an area that has emergency lights. Do not light candles or other types of open flames for lighting.
- 5. Unplug all electrical equipment (including computers) and turn off light switches.
- If you are in an elevator, stay calm. Use the emergency button or telephone to alert Campus Security at 419-448-2211.
- In the case of a long term power outage, the Heidelberg University Administration will make the necessary arrangements for meals, housing, and class.
First Contact - Stoner Health & Counseling Center: (419) 448-2041 or (419) 448-2898
Second Contact - Campus Security: 419-448-2211
A psychological crisis exists when an individual is threatening to harm themselves or others, is experiencing a loss of emotional control, is displaying gross impairment of thinking (hallucinations/delusions), and/or is displaying bizarre or highly unusual behavior.
- Dial 911 immediately if the individual is attempting to harm themselves, harm others, or there is imminent danger present.
- Observe the environment to check for danger to self and others. Attempt to remove any dangerous materials/objects. Avoid doing this by force.
- Remain with the individual and either 1. Delegate another to follow the below steps or 2. Delegate another to remain with the individual while you fulfill the below steps.
- While with the individual, attempt to engage in conversation, specifically using open ended questions (What is going on? How are you doing? Help me understand the situation. Tell me more about what is happening.)
During Business Hours M-F 830am-5pm
Contact Campus Security at (419) 448-2211
- (419) 4482898 – Associate Director of Counseling
- (419) 4482041 – Stoner Health & Counseling Center
After business hours
Contact Campus Security at (419) 448-2211
Associate Director of Counseling or the Administrator on-Call
- Discuss relevant information with a counselor. Try to include:
- General appearance of the individual
- Suicidal thoughts/statements
- Homicidal thoughts/statements
- Is there a plan to carry out suicidal/homicidal thoughts/statements?
- Does this individual have the means to carry out the plan?
- Evidence of hallucinations/delusions
- Other behavioral observations
- Contact the Dean of Student Affairs: (419) 4482062 to determine need for referral
- Identify outside agency to contact
- Firelands 24/7 Hotline 1 (800) 826-1306 – may allow individuals to talk
- Tiffin Police Department – 911 or (419) 447-2323
- Tiffin Mercy Hospital (419) 455-7000
First Contact - Tiffin Fire/Rescue Division: 911
Second Contact - Campus Security: 419-448-2211
- In case of a radiation emergency call the Tiffin Fire/Rescue Division at 911. Then contact Campus Security for assistance.
- If a skin wound occurs, thoroughly wash it with running water; allow some bleeding and then bandage using items from the first-aid kit. Once the bleeding has stopped, medical personnel will monitor the wound for radioactive contamination.
- If any clothing items are contaminated with radioactive materials, remove them. These items will be discarded. THEY MUST NOT LEAVE the laboratory until emergency personnel check them.
- Emergency personnel will mark any contaminated surface areas, and clean up the spill.
- Thoroughly wash your hands and other exposed body areas until the radiation monitor indicates the absence of contamination.
- Prevent access into the spill area until authorized by emergency personnel.
- Personnel without radiation badges or other personal radiation dosimeter must not enter the spill area.
- The Associate Vice President for Facilities & Engineering will verify that proper clean-up procedures are followed. The Heidelberg Emergency Incident Operations Team members will be notified if deemed appropriate by the Director of Campus Safety & Security.
First Contact - Tiffin Police Department: 911
Second Contact - Campus Security: 419-448-2211
- In the event a sexual assault is reported, Campus Security will take the following action:
- A security officer will respond to the scene immediately.
- Contact the Tiffin Police Department if no one has.
- Contact the Title IX Coordinator.
- Campus Security will assist the Tiffin Police Department during the investigation as requested.
- The Title IX Coordinator, Dean of Student Affairs, Director of Stoner Health & Counseling Center, Assistant Dean of Student Affairs for Campus Life and the Director of Campus Safety & Security & Lead Title IX Investigator will then follow procedures as outlined in the Heidelberg University Sex Discrimination Policy.
First Contact - Tiffin Fire/Rescue Division: 911
Second Contact - Campus Security: 419-448-2211
If you receive a suspicious letter or package and have not opened it:
- Handle with care. Don't shake or bump.
- Don't open, smell, touch or taste.
- Isolate it immediately by placing it in a zip lock bag or a trash bag.
- Wash your hands with soap and water.
- Call Campus Security at 419-448-2211 and they will call the Tiffin Fire/Rescue Division and they will handle the matter from that point forward.
If you open a letter or package, and its contents are suspicious:
- Isolate it immediately by placing it in a zip lock bag or a trash bag.
- Wash your hands with soap and water.
- Call Campus Security at 419-448-2211 and they will call the Tiffin Fire/Rescue Division and they will and handle the matter from that point forward.
- If you develop cold and/or flu like symptoms (within 2-14 days) after coming in contact with an unknown substance in opened mail, see your doctor immediately or call the Stoner Health & Counseling Center and notify Campus Security.
First Contact - Campus Security: 419-448-2211
Second Contact - Tiffin Fire/Rescue Division: 911 (for an emergency)
A tornado watch/severe weather watch means tornadoes are likely to develop. Employees are expected to be alert to changing weather situations and be prepared to take action if upgraded to a warning.
A tornado warning means a tornado has been spotted in the immediate area. Employees/students are expected to take the following action:
- In the event the National Weather Service issues a Tornado Warning that is likely to impact campus, an emergency notification will be sent by the Office of Campus Safety & Security using SendWordNow.
- The City of Tiffin will activate sirens in the event of a tornado warning.
- If you receive notification of a tornado warning or see a tornado, move to the lowest level in an interior hallway of the building as quickly as possible.
- Stay away from windows and areas with a large expanse of glass.
- Avoid auditoriums, gymnasiums and other large rooms with free-span roofs.
- If persons with disabilities cannot safely move to the lowest level, assist them to an interior hallway away from windows and areas with a large expanse of glass.
- Protect your head and face. If possible, get under a sturdy table or other structure.
- If possible, take a battery-powered radio with you to monitor news about the tornado.
- Stay in a safe area of the building until the warning is officially over.
- If a tornado causes significant property damage, injury, and/or loss of life, the Director of Campus Safety & Security will contact the Emergency Operations Team members.
First Contact - Campus Security: 419-448-2211
Second Contact - Krammes Service Center: 419-448-2391
This procedure addresses actions to be taken after notification by the Ohio-American Water Company that harmful contaminants have been identified in the water supply. Once the Ohio-American Water Company has notified campus security, you will be notified to take the following steps:
- Do not consume campus water.
- If bacterial contaminants are present, all water used for drinking, cooking, or washing of eating utensils should be boiled at a rolling boil for at least five (5) minutes or as instructed by the Health Department.
- Ice and any beverages prepared with contaminated water should be discarded.
- Continue the no use and/or boil order until the city or campus security notifies you that the city has rescinded the warning or alert.
First Contact - Tiffin Police Department: 911
Second Contact - Campus Security: 419-448-2211
Everyone on campus will be expected to assist in providing a safe environment by being alert to suspicious behavior and promptly reporting the situation to Campus Security at the designated emergency response number.
- If you are a victim, observe a criminal act, or observe a suspicious person on campus, immediately notify the Tiffin Police Department at 911 and then Campus Security 419-448-2211 and report the incident, including the following:
- Your name
- Nature of the incident
- Location, date, and time of incident
- Description of person(s) involved
- Description of property involved
- Assist the officer(s) when they arrive by providing additional information upon request.
- Take the following action if you are a victim of a property crime:
- Go to a safe place and notify the Tiffin Police Department then Campus Security
- Do not touch anything.
- Meet with the officer at the location the officer requests.
- Explain to the officer everything you observed, including telling the officer if you did touch or move anything. Follow the officer's instructions.
- Take the following action if you are a victim of a violent/personal crime:
- Be observant! The more information you can provide, the better chance the criminal will be apprehended. Remember: Whatever you decide to do, you must be prepared both mentally and physically. Your safety is the most important thing to remember during any attack.
- As soon as possible get to a safe place and notify the Tiffin Police Department and then Campus Security at the designated emergency response number. Advise officers of the nature of the incident, location, if medical assistance is needed, and a description of the person(s) involved
- Meet with the officer. Follow the officer's instructions