Business Office
Business Office
The Business Office handles all financial functions of the institution, such as accounts payable, financial statements, tax reporting and billing of student accounts.
Business Office

Our Services

Touchnet PayPath - This third-party company provides credit card processing services for student accounts. PayPath accepts MasterCard, Visa, Discover and American Express. Credit card payments can be made online via eBill.

  • Purchashing - This office will assist you with properly initiating purchases made on behalf of Heidelberg University.
  • Accounts Payable - This office processes payments to University suppliers for goods and services.
  • University Credit Cards - This office issues and manages all purchases from institutionally issued credit cards.
  • Marketplace - Access Heidelberg University Marketplace to make payments

Contact Information

University Hall
Tiffin, OH 44883



Kelli Brueggemeier
Purchase Orders & Student Payroll

Donna Hefner

Barb Gabel
General Inquires


Mon - Fri: 8:00am - 5:00pm

Our Team

Barbara Gabel
Business Manager
University Hall 102
(419) 448-2183
Barb Gabel
Donna Hefner
Business Office Assistant
University Hall C102
(419) 448-2001
Donna H
Kim McGill
Vice President for Finance and Administration
University Hall
(419) 448-2517
Kim McGill