Business Office
Business Office

Students who are participating in an employer reimbursement program must complete the Employer Reimbursement Contract prior to the beginning of each semester. Email the completed form to An ebill will still be emailed to the student until the course is paid in full. Students have until 30 days after the course ends to submit payment. To access the Employer Reimbursement Form, go to your OASIS account and click on the Personal Information Tab. Scroll to Employer Reimbursement Form.

All expenses require approval BEFORE a purchase order is requested. This applies whether purchases will be covered from operating budget, endowed funds, restricted funds, or gifts.

Complete an expense approval form. 


Visit the CashCourse website for guidance on how to become financially literate and prepared to make financial choices.

University Student Fees and Charges, includes fees for Housing and Board

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Contact Information

University Hall
Tiffin, OH 44883



Kelli Brueggemeier
Purchase Orders & Student Payroll

Donna Hefner

Barb Gabel
General Inquires


Mon - Fri: 8:00am - 5:00pm

Our Team

Barbara Gabel
Business Manager
University Hall 102
(419) 448-2183
Barb Gabel
Donna Hefner
Business Office Assistant
University Hall C102
(419) 448-2001
Donna H
Kim McGill
Vice President for Finance and Administration
University Hall
(419) 448-2517
Kim McGill