
Conversations from Death Row

Dr. Bill Kimberlin, a graduate of Heidelberg's Master of Counseling program (1998), has interviewed and accompanied men on Death Rows across the country. He will be joining Dr. Lazzari's Contemporary US social Issues Class to discuss his experiences working with individuals on death row.

Dr. Kimberlin, when discussing the work he has done says: "I have been to death rows all over the country and started out when it was in Lucasville, then Mansfield, then Youngstown, and now in Chillicothe. I have witnessed multiple executions in Ohio and I have been asked to attend at least 6 more. I do not doubt that the warden's do now know who I am or what I do simply because I try not to talk to many staff members when I am on death row. When I see and interview the inmates on death row, there are no handcuffs or anything. I get to eat with them, drink with them, and I have had last meals with them. If they were to see me talking to guards and others, that kind of puts me at risk due to the trust component. I have done this now for over 20 plus years and I am currently under contract for a Netflix series pertaining to the interviews, the thousands of pieces of art they have all sent me, and the maps to bodies of a couple of serial killers that have disclosed murders to me that no one else knows about. It has been a journey to say the least."

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Contact Person:
Sarah Lazzari
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Event Sponsor(s):
Dr. Sarah Lazzari's Contemporary US Social Issues Class
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