
Ohioans to Stop Executions Speaker

Heidelberg will welcome Kendall White, deputy director for Ohioans to Stop Executions (OTSE). He will discuss current legislation around movement with stopping executions.

OSTE is the only single-issue death penalty repeal organization in Ohio. OTSE represents millions of Ohioans who oppose the death penalty, and is the lead organization in the #NoDeathPenaltyOhio campaign to abolish Ohio’s capital punishment system.

Kendall brings a wealth of organizing experience to the campaign from his previous positions and volunteer work. During his time working for the Franklin County Board of Commissioners, he led grassroots initiatives that focused on the social determinants of health. Now he leads OSTE Ohioans to Stop Executions, where he oversees a statewide coalition to engage in grassroots efforts and advocacy that will abolish the death penalty in Ohio.

Herbster Chapel
Contact Person:
Dr. Sarah Lazzari
Event Sponsor(s):
Criminology Department
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