
Theatre Presentation: 'The Woman in Black'

The Woman in Black is a 1987 stage play, adapted by Stephen Mallatratt. The play is based on the 1983 book of the same name by English author Susan Hill. Mr Kipps is troubled by disturbing memories of his journey to fog bound Eel Marsh, where Mrs Drablow’s lonely house stands in isolation. Trapped by the fog, he witnessed mysterious events he would rather forget, but cannot. In desperation, he enlists the help of an actor (Garth Holcombe, TRIBES) to tell his tale and exorcise the demons that haunt his dreams. As the two men become immersed in Kipps’ story, eerie events materialise from the mists of the past and begin to haunt the present.

Susan Hill’s classic ghost story, adapted for the stage by Stephen Mallatratt, will have you watching through your fingers, laughing out loud, and gasping at the spooky twists in an unforgettable theatrical experience.

Tickets available at

Founders Little Theatre
Contact Person:
Karla Kash
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Event Sponsor(s):
School of Music & Theatre
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