Owen Center for Teaching & Learning
Owen Center for Teaching & Learning

Academic Support

At Heidelberg University, academic support is for everyone!

No matter your academic background, at some point you'll need help and guidance during college. All Heidelberg University, students are welcome and encouraged to utilize our FREE and UNLIMITED academic support resources.

The Owen Center for Teaching and Learning wants to help all students achieve their academic goals by normalizing the use of academic support and proactively providing resources to empower student success.

Academic support at Heidelberg University includes supplemental instruction, academic coaching, writing coaching, subject tutors, and embedded peers. Select the appropriate subject below to learn more about each of these resources and how to make an appointment.

For up-to-date information and resources, please visit the Academic Support Canvas Page.


Academic Coaching

Academic coaching is a personalized, one-on-one experience designed to aid students with the “nuts and bolts” of academic success.

Academic coaching is a working partnership that focuses on identifying barriers and fostering new ways to achieve academic success. You can meet with a coach to discuss academic concerns and brainstorm solutions. The coach can provide a range of services to match your unique academic goals.

Academic Coaching Support Includes:

  • Where to Start
  • Note-Taking
  • Achieving Balance
  • Goal Setting
  • Motivation
  • Getting Organized
  • Countering Procrastination
  • Managing Time and Priorities
  • Test Preparation
  • Project Planning
  • Online Learning
  • Learning Strategies
  • Using Technology for Academics

Schedule an academic coaching session here.

Drop-In Study Hours

ALL students are encouraged to utilize The Owen Center or Beeghly Library for their studying! We track the hours students intentionally spend in our spaces studying.

The Owen Center Hours:

  • 3rd Floor Campus Center
  • Monday-Friday 8am - 5pm

Beeghly Library Hours:

  • Monday-Thursday 8am - 12am
  • Friday 8am - 5pm
  • Saturday 12pm - 5pm
  • Sunday 12pm - 12am

Writing Coaching

Student writing coaches are available to help with any writing assignment for any class. Whether you are looking for another eye to read over your already polished work or struggling to get started on a writing assignment, trained peer tutors can help you reach the goals that you set for your writing.

We serve students in all majors and subject areas, so if you have a writing-related question, one-on-one tutoring support is available.

Our writing coaches can assist you with all phases of the writing process, including getting past “writer’s block,” brainstorming a topic, creating a thesis, developing and organizing your ideas, putting together a draft and revising a draft for correctness and precision.

We can also help you make sure your paper is properly formatted, and if you’re writing a research paper, we can help you make sure you are properly using and documenting your sources. Whether you are using APA, MLA, or Chicago style, our staff can assist you with following the appropriate documentation and style guidelines.

The writing coaches are committed to the following goals:

  • To help students become more confident and informed readers and editors of their own writing
  • To help students develop strategies for identifying and addressing areas for improvement in their writing
  • To guide students in utilizing the writing process to better develop their writing

To achieve these goals, our focus is always on helping you discover better, more effective ways of expressing your ideas. The Writing Center is not an editing or proofreading service; in other words, we will never simply correct errors or rewrite your paper for you. Instead, our writing coaches will guide you in identifying strengths and opportunities for improvement in your own writing.

Whether you have some basic grammar questions or would just like an informed reader to provide you with some constructive feedback, our coaches are here to help. We work with writers at all ability levels, so even if you consider yourself to be a good writer, we are here for you.

Schedule a writing coaching session, here.

Supplemental Instruction

Supplemental instruction (SI) support promotes student-centered learning through small-group study and review sessions.

SI support is provided for high-risk, gateway and challenging courses at Heidelberg and provides free, voluntary, out-of-class peer-facilitated study and review sessions. SI assistance begins the first week of classes and is open to all students enrolled in the course.

SI Leaders provide learning assistance and strategies to increase student confidence and academic success.

SI sessions integrate “how to learn” with “what to learn.” Students who attend SI sessions discover how to apply appropriate study strategies as they review content material. A wealth of national data shows that students who regularly participate in SI sessions earn higher course grades and withdraw less often than non-SI participants.

View the updated Supplemental Instruction Schedule, here.

Peer Tutors

Individual tutoring is available in most subject areas. Meet with tutors to bridge gaps in knowledge and supplement, complement, and enhance your learning. Peer Tutors guide students in reviewing course material, developing a better understanding of key course content, preparing for exams, developing more effective study strategies for the course, and more.

To schedule an academic tutoring session here.

Embedded Peers

Students in INT 100 or INT 101 courses can meet with their designated embedded peer to help aid academic success. Embedded peers are academically successful sophomore students who help first-year students navigate the college process. EPs help students with time management, navigating campus resources, understanding assignments and working through those assignments.

Schedule an appointment with your embedded peer, here.

Academic Appraisals

4-, 8-, and 12-week appraisals are available to students through their OASIS account. Appraisals are great check-points in the semester to receive feedback and recommendations from your faculty members. Faculty advisors, the Director of Academic Support, and coaches will regularly meet with students about appraisals.

Academic Alerts

Faculty and staff members may submit academic alerts for students about whom they have concerns. These alerts range from attendance concerns, not completing assignments, missing exams, etc. If an academic alert is submitted on your behalf, the Director of Academic Support will contact you to address the alert. These alerts are intended to help students get back on track and provide available support.

Academic Standing

Students who are unable to maintain a semester and/or a cumulative grade point average of 2.00 are in danger of not maintaining their satisfactory academic standing, and will be subject to one of four status levels in the Academic Probation and Suspension Process: Warning, Probation, Suspension or Dismissal. Students will be notified as soon as a change in academic status occurs.

Students on Academic Warning or Probation must complete an Academic Improvement Plan with the Director of Academic Support.

Students on Warning or Probation are also highly encouraged to sign up for NDI 128: The Learning Process in an Academic Environment. This course is intended to help students get back on track with academic support and advising being embedded into the course.

How do I schedule an academic support session?

To schedule an academic support session follow this link. You can also access the schedule through the Academic Support Canvas page and throughout your Student Prince Planner. Once you are on the schedule, click on the appropriate student you would like to work with and book an appointment!

When should I visit an academic coach?

Most students can benefit from academic coaching, but you should particularly consider visiting an academic coach if your academic skills (note-taking, testing, active listening skills, study skills, and/or time management) are beginning to impact your confidence and/or success in one or more courses.

How often should I use academic support?

Academic support sessions at Heidelberg are UNLIMITED! You may schedule as many sessions as you would like. If you are utilizing academic coaching, we suggest two appointments every week.

What should I bring to an academic support session?

At a bare minimum, note-taking supplies will be helpful! If you have particular questions or concerns you want to address, consider writing them down and bringing them to the session. Bring any class materials you may need to work on assignments.

Working on a Research Paper or Project?

Book an appointment with a reference librarian for help with database navigation and finding sources. Follow up with a writing coaching appointment to get started!

How do I apply for a job in The Owen Center?

Interested in becoming an academic or writing coach? An embedded peer, subject tutor or supplemental instructor? We are always looking for students that are great mentors! Working in the Owen Center is a very rewarding on-campus job and allows you to make your own schedule! If you’re interested in applying, email the Director of Academic Support, Morgan Harrigan, at mharriga@heidelberg.edu.

What are other sources of help?

Use the Academic Support Canvas Page and your Student Prince Planner for more resources! For a one-on-one chat about academic support, please contact the Director of Academic Support, Morgan Harrigan, in Campus Center 319 or owencenter@heidelberg.edu.

Contact Information

Campus Center 314


Mon - Fri: 8:00am - 5:00pm

Our Team

David Briggs
Academic Advising Coordinator
Beeghly Library 219
(419) 448-2237
David Briggs
Erin Chapman-Hoskins
Director Academic Advising
Campus Center 313
(419) 448-2479
Erin Chapman
Courtney DeMayo Pugno
Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost
Campus Center 316
(419) 448-2510
Courtney DeMayo Pugno
Rebecca Frank
Director of Faculty Development and Instructional Technology
(419) 448-2460
rebecca taylor
Amy Hammitt
Administrative Assistant for the Owen Center and American Junior Year Program
Campus Center 315
(419) 448-2301
Morgan Harrigan
Executive Director of the Owen Center for Teaching and Learning
Campus Center 315
(419) 448-2159
Morgan H
Alyssa Kontak
Director of Student Accessibility Services
Campus Center 314
(419) 448-2484
Alyssa Kontak
Erin Smith
Academic Coaching Coordinator
Beeghly Library
erin smith