Commencement 2023
Heidelberg University will celebrate Commencement 2023 with a traditional ceremony on Sunday, May 14, 2023. The ceremony will take place outdoors in Hoernemann Stadium, weather permitting. Rain site will be Seiberling Gymnasium. Below you will find information that you will need if you are planning to participate in Commencement.
Inclement Weather
If the decision is made to move the Commencement ceremonies indoors because of inclement weather, students will receive notification via SendWordNow by 7 a.m. Commencement Day, Sunday, May 14.
Closed Captioning
Communication Access Real-Time Transcription is available to all attendees HERE.
Watch via Zoom
If you have family or friends who can’t join you in person at Commencement, invite them to watch via Zoom.
Watch HU Commencement 2023 on Zoom
Live Streaming
The Commencement ceremony will be live-streamed in two locations on campus: Frost Lecture Hall (inside Bareis Hall of Science) and The University Commons.
Information for Graduating Students
Tickets for Degree Candidates
Each graduate participating in the Commencement ceremony will receive 6 tickets. Commencement tickets may be picked up in the Business Office beginning May 1, 2023.
If the ceremony is held in Hoernemann Stadium, tickets will not be necessary unless you are requesting Special Seating. (Please see Special Seating Requests section.) Guests may sit in the stadium or may bring their own seating for the hill behind the Saurwein Health & Wellness Center.
In case of inclement weather, the ceremony will be moved to Seiberling Gymnasium, and no one will be admitted to Commencement without a ticket. A decision will be made by 7:00 AM and posted on the Heidelberg University website. Students will be notified via SendWordNow.
Please note: All bills must be paid in full in order to receive your Commencement tickets.
Questions concerning Commencement should be directed to commencement-questions@heidelberg.edu.
Schedule of Events
Commencement Rehearsal | Friday, May 12, 2023
10:00 AM | Seiberling Gymnasium
(Undergraduate and Graduate)
At rehearsal, the Class of ’23 will meet with Dr. Bryan Smith, Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost; Dr. Courtney DeMayo Pugno, Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs and Executive Director of the Owen Center for Teaching and Learning; Faculty Marshals Dr. Ryan Musgrave, Dr. Jena Suffel, and Dr. Sarah Lazzari; and Ashley Helmsetter, Assistant Vice President for Alumni Engagement & HYPE Career Ready®. Please be prepared to confirm the phonetic pronunciation of your name. You will complete a survey for the Alumni Office. The class will present its banner to President Rob Huntington. Each graduate will be assigned their position in the marching line, their seat in the correct order for receiving their diploma, and will be given final instructions for the ceremony.
Baccalaureate | Saturday, May 13, 2023
4:00 PM | Gundlach Theatre
Baccalaureate will be in Gundlach Theatre for degree candidates, families, and friends with open seating. This interfaith worship service will include readings from religious texts, prayers, special music, and a sermon. The heritage between the United Church of Christ and Heidelberg University is also celebrated in this gathering. Students from Religious Life will lead the service. No ticket is required.
Attire: No academic regalia for graduates unless a part of the Platform Party.
Commencement Line-Up | Sunday, May 14, 2023
9:15 AM | Various Locations
All degree candidates will line up promptly at 9:15 AM.
- Master’s degree candidates will line up in front of the Bryenton Center for Honors.
- Bachelor’s degree candidates will line up on the first floor of University Hall.
- Faculty members will line up in front of Pfleiderer Hall.
Each degree candidate will take the position that was assigned to them at rehearsal. In case of inclement weather, the assembly for students will be held in the Saurwein Health & Wellness Center.
Commencement Procession
9:50 AM | Greenfield Street
Rain site: Seiberling Gymnasium
The procession of degree candidates, faculty, Trustees, and the Platform Party begins on Greenfield Street, turns onto Rebecca Street, continues around the pond and into Hoernemann Stadium.
Commencement Ceremony
10:00 AM | Hoernemann Stadium
Stadium gates will open at 8:30 AM.
Rain site: Seiberling Gymnasium
If in Seiberling, special seating ticket holders will be admitted at 9:15 AM. Doors will open for general admission at 9:30 AM, rain or shine. Special seating will be held until 9:45 AM. (See “Special Seating Requests” for more information.)
Following the ceremony, the faculty will process to the outer area of Hoernemann Stadium and form two lines facing each other. The graduates will recess through the faculty lines and continue off the field.
Attire and Academic Regalia
Attire is cap, gown, and hood. Academic gowns are intended to be worn full length and should not be shortened by hemming, basting, etc. Approved medals and cords may be worn. See Academic Regalia Policy at inside.heidelberg.edu/commencement.
Caps, gowns, and hoods will arrive in the Bookstore later in April. Students will be notified through their Heidelberg email when they are ready to be picked up at the Bookstore. Candidates may keep the cap, gown, and hood.
Contact Stacy Wheeler at 419-448-2013 or swheeler@heidelberg.edu with any questions.
General Information for Families & Guests
Special Seating Requests
If there is a member of your family who needs special seating because of health reasons or accessibility concerns, please notify Barb Gabel with the individual’s name by emailing bgabel@heidelberg.edu. There will be a seat reserved for this person and one escort in the Special Seating section. It is the responsibility of the graduate to make this reservation by May 1, 2023.
In addition, if one of your guests requires the use of a wheelchair or scooter, space will be provided in the Special Seating area on the football field or gym floor for the wheelchair or scooter and one escort, if you inform Barb Gabel by emailing bgabel@heidelberg.edu. It is the responsibility of the graduate to make this reservation by May 1, 2023.
If the ceremony is held in Seiberling Gymnasium because of inclement weather, guests with Special Seating tickets will be admitted to Seiberling Gymnasium at 9:15 AM. Doors will open for general seating at 9:30 AM. The Special Seating area will be held until 9:45 AM. At that time, seats will be released for general admission.
You may park in Lots B, C, E. F. G, and J. (See CAMPUS MAP)
Greenfield Street and Rebecca Street will be closed from 9:15 AM to 10:00 AM for the academic procession.
Guests with health concerns or in a wheelchair should be driven to the small parking lot next to Hoernemann Stadium. A student ambassador will escort the person into the stadium.
Bookstore Hours
The Bookstore will be open during regular hours so that you may pick up the academic attire reserved for you:
Regular Hours
- Monday-Friday | 9:00 AM-4:00 PM
Special Bookstore Hours for Commencement Weekend
- Friday, May 12 | 9:00 AM-4:00 PM
- Saturday, May 13 | 12:00 PM-3:30 PM
- Sunday, May 14 | 8:00 AM-10:00 AM & 12:00 PM-2:00 PM
Graduation Announcements, Diploma Frames and Class Rings
Announcements, diploma frames, and class rings are available to order through Herff-Jones. Please visit the Heidelberg page on the Herff-Jones website to order.
Professional photographer Keith Hodkinson will take a picture at the moment the diploma is presented to each graduate. An order form is enclosed for your convenience. Please return the form to the photographer.
This form is also available at inside.heidelberg.edu/commencement/order.
Guests are subject to visual inspection of person, bags, and clothing capable of concealing prohibited items.
Questions regarding graduation requirements should be directed to your academic advisor. All bills must be paid in full in the Business Office by May 1, 2023, in order to participate in the Commencement ceremony. If you have billing questions, please contact Barb Gabel at 419-448-2183 or bgabel@heidelberg.edu.