Academic Affairs
Academic Affairs

Change of Final Exam

Students may request a change to their final exam schedule under three circumstances only:

  1. The student has 3 or more final examinations scheduled on one day, or
  2. The student has a work schedule which conflicts with an exam time, or
  3. The student has a personal emergency beyond their control. In this case, the student may request a change immediately.

All requests for exam changes must come through the Office of Academic Affairs. Forms to submit Requests for Change of Final Exam are available here.

You must complete and submit the form online. Note that you are asked to provide information for ALL of your final exams, not just the one(s) you wish to change. Students may indicate a preferred time to take the exam, but it will depend on the schedule of the instructor.

Please complete the form no later than 2 weeks before the start of finals for non-emergency requests.

Students will receive confirmation of their request from the Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs.

Contact Information

Davida Sosa
Executive Assistant to the President, Advancement, Finance, Human Resources, and The Board of Trustees

Bareis Hall 130

(419) 448-2202

Mon - Fri: 8:00am - 5:00pm

Our Team

Courtney DeMayo Pugno
Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost
Campus Center 316
(419) 448-2510
Courtney DeMayo Pugno
Emily Isaacson
Director of Honors Program|Associate Professor English
Pfleiderer Hall 306
(419) 448-2184
Emily I
Jordan Kaufman
Director of Academic Assessment & Effectiveness
Bareis Hall 326
(419) 448-2601
Jordan Kaufman
Bryan Smith
Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost
University Hall C122
(419) 448-2045
Bryan Smith