Academic Affairs
Academic Affairs

Institutional Review Board - IRB

IRB has Transitioned to Canvas

The Heidelberg Institutional Review Board (IRB) is responsible for all human subjects research projects and projects must be reviewed by the IRB before the study begins. See these selections from the Code of Federal Regulations (45 CFR Part 46 : PROTECTION OF HUMAN SUBJECTS) for general information about the role of Institutional Review Boards.

Investigators who believe that their study poses no more than minimal risk to participants and meets the federal guidelines may request an expedited review. Expedited reviews will be conducted by two IRB members instead of the full committee. Submissions will be accepted at any time during the academic year when school is in session. For expedited reviews, we will notify investigators of the outcome of the review within 5-10 business days.

Full reviews will only take place periodically, and investigators will be notified of the outcome of a full review within 10-12 business days of the submission deadline.

Proposals can be submitted:

Starting: August 21, 2023

Fall 2022 Deadline for Submissions: November 17, 2023

Spring 2023 Deadline for Submissions: April 12, 2024


2022-2022 IRB committee:

  • Dr. Morgan Kocher - Assistant Professor of Exercise Science & IRB Chair
  • Dr. Nancy El Gendy - Assistant Professor of English
  • Dr. Matthew Kennedy - Assistant Professor of Composition/Theory
  • Ms. Erica Moyer - Instructor of Biology
  • Dr. Sieglinde Poelzler-Kamatali - Assistant Professor of German and Spanish
  • Dr. Nichole Griffin - Assistant Professor of Education
  • Ms. Charlene Pope - Outside of Heidelberg University IRB reviewer for the Full review

The full review deadlines for the 2022-23 year are:

  • September 1, 2023
  • October 4, 2023
  • November 3, 2023
  • January 26, 2023
  • March 1, 2023
  • April 5, 2023

Proposals must be submitted before 11:59 pm on the deadlines to be considered. Make sure that for research being conducted by students, the Faculty Advisor has also sent an email to the IRB Chair approving the submission:

All students who will be completing human subjects research must complete two different trainings: the IRB Protection of Human Subjects Ethics Training and an IRB training session. All researchers and faculty advisors must complete the online IRB Protection of Human subjects Training. The additional training will give students and their faculty a better understanding of how to successfully complete the IRB process. You only have to complete the Navigating HU’s IRB Training once. While faculty are not required to attend this, it is strongly recommended that faculty researchers and advisors also complete this training. The dates for the 2022-2023 IRB training sessions are:

  • Fall 2022:
    • 8/24/23 at 11am in Zoom
    • 8/31/23 at 11 am in Zoom
    • 9/28/23 at 11am in Zoom
    • 0/31/23 at 11am in Zoom
  • Spring 2023:
    • 1/16/23 at 11 am in Zoom
    • 2/22/23 at 11 am in Zoom
    • 3/21/23 at 11 am in Zoom

The Zoom links can be found in the IRB’s Canvas page.

For class projects there are semester deadlines for submitting proposals (even for expedited), in order for them to be reviewed within the same semester:

  • Fall 2023: November 17
  • Spring 2024: April 12

If you are a Heidelberg Faculty member or a Heidelberg student, you need to first enroll in the 2023-2024 IRB Canvas Course. After enrolling in the course, you will be able to access instructions within the IRB’s Canvas page. Regardless of whether you request an expedited or full review, you must complete the same IRB application. The application can be found in the modules of the IRB’s Canvas page. Federal guidelines require that proposals undergoing an expedited review are reviewed just as thoroughly as proposals undergoing full review. If your study does not meet the criteria for an expedited review, it will be reviewed by the full IRB committee.

Research Proposals will not be reviewed when the University is closed for breaks (Thanksgiving, Christmas/Winter, Spring Break, and Summer Break). The deadlines for all proposals to be submitted are November 17, 2023 (Fall) and April 12, 2024 (Spring). Proposals can be submitted, but a review of proposals will be delayed. Expedited Proposals will be reviewed the week before classes start in the Fall, and the week before classes start in the Spring. Full Review Deadlines are established at the end of Spring before the start of the next academic year. This page and the Canvas page will be updated yearly.

Protocol for the researchers outside of Heidelberg University

Data collection from Heidelberg University students or faculty, by individuals and institutions outside of Heidelberg University will need to be reviewed by Heidelberg’s IRB. The Primary Investigator (PI) must submit the approval letter from the granting institution’s IRB, the application, all study protocols, and proof that the entire research team has up-to-date completion of Human Subjects Ethics Training. These will be reviewed by Heidelberg's IRB and will be given an expedited review. The goal is to protect the Heidelberg community, while applying best practices in terms of the highest ethical standards.

Contact the current Chair of IRB, Dr. Morgan Kocher,, with any questions.

Contact Information

Davida Sosa
Executive Assistant to the President, Advancement, Finance, Human Resources, and The Board of Trustees

Bareis Hall 130

(419) 448-2202

Mon - Fri: 8:00am - 5:00pm

Our Team

Courtney DeMayo Pugno
Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost
Campus Center 316
(419) 448-2510
Courtney DeMayo Pugno
Emily Isaacson
Director of Honors Program|Associate Professor English
Pfleiderer Hall 306
(419) 448-2184
Emily I
Jordan Kaufman
Director of Academic Assessment & Effectiveness
Bareis Hall 326
(419) 448-2601
Jordan Kaufman
Bryan Smith
Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost
University Hall C122
(419) 448-2045
Bryan Smith