Academic Affairs
Academic Affairs

Commencement Student Speaker

Commencement Undergraduate Student Speaker

One graduating senior will give a brief (5-7 minute) speech at Commencement on Sunday, May 11. This speaker is selected by a Committee composed of faculty, staff, and Student Senate members.

Step 1: Apply by Monday, March 17

To apply to be the undergraduate student Commencement speaker, complete the form below and upload an outline of your speech no later than midnight on Monday, March 18.

Step 2: Audition on Friday, March 21

On Friday, March 21, between 3:30 and 6 p.m., applicants will audition by presenting their speech to the Selection Committee (Please indicate your audition time preferences on the form below).

The Committee will select the speaker. A faculty member from the Department of Communication & Media will help the selected student rehearse and improve their speech.

All applicants will be emailed their scheduled audition time and the location on March 18. Applicants are required to submit a full script of their completed speech before or at the time of their audition. Completed speeches should be emailed to Dr. Robin Heaton (

Preference for audition time on Friday, March 31 (please select your top three times)
One file only.
100 MB limit.
Allowed types: txt, rtf, pdf, doc, docx, odt, ppt, pptx, odp, xls, xlsx, ods.

Contact Information

Jillian Conley
Administrative Assistant to Academic Affairs

Campus Center 316

(419) 448-2100

Mon - Fri: 8:00am - 5:00pm

Our Team

Nate Beres
Dean of Academic Strategic Operations|Associate Professor of Chemistry
Bareis Hall 116
(419) 448-2015
Jillian Conley
Administrative Assistant
Campus Center 328
Jillian Conley
Courtney DeMayo Pugno
Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost|Associate Professor of History
Campus Center 327
(419) 448-2510
Courtney DeMayo Pugno
Morgan Harrigan
Executive Director of the Owen Center for Teaching and Learning
Campus Center 315
(419) 448-2159
Morgan Harrigan
Emily Isaacson
Director of the General Education Program|Director of Honors Program|Associate Professor English
Pfleiderer Hall 306
(419) 448-2184
Emily I
Jordan Kaufman
Director of Academic Assessment & Effectiveness
Bareis Hall 326
(419) 448-2601
Jordan Kaufman
Davida Sosa
Executive Assistant to the President, Advancement, Finance, Human Resources, and The Board of Trustees
University Hall C122
(419) 448-2202
Davida Sosa