Academic Affairs
Academic Affairs

Tri-Alpha National Honor Society

Students qualify for Tri-Alpha if: neither of their parents, nor step-parents, nor legal guardians, completed a bachelor’s degree; they have completed at least 30 credit hours, and have maintained a GPA of 3.2 or better. 

Tri-Alpha Logo

Members are recognized for their academic excellence and work as a campus-wide community to serve the needs and challenges of all first-generation students at Heidelberg. Members will also wear the society honor cord upon graduation. 

To qualify:

  • you must be a current student at Heidelberg,
  • who has completed at least three full-time terms of study (minimum 30 credit hours), at least one of which must have been at Heidelberg,
  • who has an overall GPA of at least 3.2 in all coursework, and
  • who comes from a family where neither parent nor any legal guardians earned a bachelor’s degree.
  • faculty and staff members are also welcome to join.

All first-generation Heidelberg Faculty, Staff, and Alumni are also welcome to become Tri-Alpha members despite their GPA while in school. Having members of our campus community and alumni family in our ranks helps to encourage and inspire our current first-generation students. 


Contact Information

Davida Sosa
Executive Assistant to the President, Advancement, Finance, Human Resources, and The Board of Trustees

Bareis Hall 130

(419) 448-2202

Mon - Fri: 8:00am - 5:00pm

Our Team

Courtney DeMayo Pugno
Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost
Campus Center 316
(419) 448-2510
Courtney DeMayo Pugno
Emily Isaacson
Director of Honors Program|Associate Professor English
Pfleiderer Hall 306
(419) 448-2184
Emily I
Jordan Kaufman
Director of Academic Assessment & Effectiveness
Bareis Hall 326
(419) 448-2601
Jordan Kaufman
Bryan Smith
Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost
University Hall C122
(419) 448-2045
Bryan Smith