
Janelle Baldosser
Director of Health Center & Counseling
Campus Center
(419) 448-2042
Linda Barger
Facilities Office and Warehouse Manager
Krammes Service Center 108A
(419) 448-2391
Linda Barger
Ron Baron
Adjunct Instructor in Supply Chain Management
Heidelberg University
Andrew Bauer
IT Analyst
Carly Marie Beck
Human Resources Administrator
University Hall
Jennifer Beck
Heidelberg University
Hunter Becker
Graduate Assistant for Football
Cathy Belfiore
Director of Financial Aid
University Hall C114
(419) 448-2622
Cathy Belfiore
Nate Beres
Professor of Chemistry
Bareis Hall 116
(419) 448-2015
Trish Berg
Associate Professor of Business
Adams Hall 301D
(419) 448-2626
Trish Berg
Amy Berger
Professor of Environmental Science
Bareis Hall 130
(419) 448-2292
Amy Berger
Monica Bess
Adjunct Instructor of Business
Heidelberg University
Benjamin Bodart
Technical Director for the School of Music and Theatre
Founders Hall
(419) 448-2073
Jakob Boehler
Field Manager & Sandusky River Watershed Coalition Coordinator
Gillmor Science Hall 315
(419) 448-2054
Steven Borawski
Title III Project Director
Heidelberg University
Larry Borges
Security Officer
Campus Center
Kathy Borton
Associate Director of Admission
University Hall
(419) 448-2339
Kathy Borton
Sherri Bowerman
Administrative Assistant for the School of Education
Lavely-Shedenhelm Education Center 116
(419) 448-2125
Sherri B
Barbara Breen
Associate Director of Admission
(419) 448-2335
Barbara Breen
Jeffrey Brickner
Krammes Service Center
(419) 448-2163
Shelly Brickner
Heidelberg University
David Briggs
Academic Advising Coordinator
Beeghly Library 219
(419) 448-2237
David Briggs
Marianne Briggs
Head Women's Softball Coach
Seiberling Gymnasium
(419) 448-2289
Mari Deppe
Cassandra Brown
Director of the Library
Beeghly Library
(419) 448-2242
Andy Bucheit
Head Men's Basketball Coach
Seiberling Gymnasium 222B
(419) 448-2006
Andy B